2024 최신 호텔 리뷰: 타운 하우스 모텔 후기・검증된 호텔 리뷰 및 생생한 투숙객 평점

호텔 리뷰

Posted 2023-07-08 16:32:13
It was disgusting fly's all around the room, roaches on the wall tv not working the light wasn't working the sheets were dirty I had to use my clothes to sleep on there was a broken lamp the air condition smelt like poop and a trash can stuff on the walls DO NOT RECOMMEND!
Posted 2023-07-08 16:15:22
This is the worst model i've been to it was a roach on the wall and my whole family shook this should get a 0 star it's people on crack walking around here. Moral of the story don't come here. If you want your nose to smell the same.
타운 하우스 모텔 후기