
스미요시 신사 리뷰

4.4 /582건의 리뷰
The first one to go is to live in Ji Shrine, which is the belief center of Boduo people. There are often traditional wedding ceremonies. It seems to be hiding in the outer world of the deep mountains, but in fact, there are tall buildings outside. I have to say that the Japanese are very protective in this respect. Even in a busy city, there is still a unique tranquility. Hidden in the city. The "Royal Lower Class" in front of the shrine looks like a bull. We also have the saying "civilian officers get off the sedan, military officers get off the horse". Look carefully at the white cloth pattern on the entrance, which is the sixteen-petal chrysanthemum pattern of the Japanese Royal family. Chrysanthemum is found on coins. Occasionally encounter the witch passing in a hurry, white dress red, white feather woven with cranes and maple leaves. The shrine was somewhat deserted, and the visitors were only sporadic. There is a kimono, Lori, playing in front of the shrine. This culture has been passed on and never forgotten. There is a smaller three-day Huibi shrine beside the Ji shrine, which is small and delicate. Japanese natives will carefully enter the stone path on the side and come out of the stone path on the other side after visiting. Also asked the local people specifically whether there is any particular attention, the middle of the stone staircase is not allowed to walk. Answer me not, but also enthusiastically lead me in, let me shoot inside. I thought it was impossible to take pictures inside. This shrine has small wooden doors closed, and other shrines will then worship gods. Usually they are well-known local contributors. The curved arched eaves are unique to Japan, and they do not appear in Tangfeng buildings. At first glance, Tang Feng is similar to Japanese style. However, the national temperament is different, and this difference exists in every detail.

스미요시 신사

작성일: 2016년3월29일
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