В этот отель приезжаю с 2017 года последний раз был в 22 году . За это время владельцем стал Хилтон, и всё изменилось не в лучшую сторону . Раньше это был Лакшри , роскошь , отсутствие посторонних, высочайший сервис, теперь это рваные лежаки , затёртые полотенца , плюс стройка с двух сторон , причём иногда в море зайти нельзя , грязное. В общем я конечно обескуражен. Персонал конечно хороший , стараются во всю , в остальном …. От былого Вальдорфа осталось только воспоминание, был там последний раз , а жаль ….
가장 큰 것은 방에서 하수 냄새입니다. 참을 수 없었다. 지난 밤에 나는 말 그대로 기름을 사용해야했고 냄새를 맡지 않고 시도해야했습니다. 파티 전날 밤의 소음 수준은 재미가 없었습니다. 방 자체는 넓고 매우 기본적입니다. 꽤 깨끗하고 감사했습니다. 다시 냄새가 참을 수 없습니다. 냄새가 호텔의 많은 부분에 스며드는 것 같았습니다. 아침 식사는 매우 평범했습니다. 거기에서 튀긴 음식의 냄새가 꽤 심하고 당신과 함께 붙어있었습니다. 나는 그것이 가치가 없었던 지난 2 개의 아침 식사를 피했다. 죄송합니다! 해변과 수영장 지역은 좋았고 많은 것들에 가까운 훌륭한 위치에있었습니다.
The facility overall is good, and we truly appreciated having access to both Al Hamra Village Hotel and Residences, which gave us the opportunity to enjoy three swimming pools and the beach.
We also really enjoyed the nighttime activities at The Frisky Fox bar and restaurant, as they were very entertaining.
However, the service was quite poor due to the following:
1. My special request, which I added to my booking, was completely ignored. When I asked the reception, they said they had not been informed.
2. The waiting time at the reception for check-in and check-out was very long.
3. A simple request for a one-hour late checkout was not considered.
4. The food quality was very poor—well below three-star standards—and the staff were very slow in refilling buffet items. There were not enough plates for all guests, and we had to wait a long time to get clean ones.
5. The room was clean overall but extremely small, with the TV positioned awkwardly. We kept bumping our heads into it whenever we tried to reach the wardrobe. Additionally, the AC was very noisy, and the water pressure was very low most of the time.
6. The internet connection was very slow across all facilities.
Overall, it was a good experience, but need to have more check-in counters, extended hours for swimming pool use, and should have entertainment shows and activities like other 5 star properties, especially on weekends.