#負評#對房間佈局,鄰近店舖,房間大小,安全性,床品舒適度,房內採光失望;这个酒店太差了,完全是欺骗,给的房间和照片上完全不符合,不想住也不给退,问酒店前台说找老板,员工说没有老板电话联系方式,只有邮件,发邮件等到都已经3天过去也不见任何回复,房间没牙刷没牙膏没拖鞋,酒店也没有泳池,酒店位置也很尴尬,距离繁华地段走路很远,打车又困难。这是有生以来住宿体验最差的一次了,希望以后出来旅行的朋友不要再上当了。Its very back experience with this stupid hotel. The real situation is much much different and worsr from the photoes they showed on the web. I tried to cancel or check out earlier than due date but fail because the reception said need hotel Boss agree. I wanted to contact to their boss but they have no phone number of their boss only email which I send but hadn't got any reply so far. Further more the room no tooth brush or tooth paste no bedroom sliper. The reception closed at 8 pm, if you need anything cannot find people. This is really the worst hotel experience in my life. Please be remined to avoid bad experience as me.