버밍엄 호텔 후기

Holiday Inn Express Birmingham - City Centre
4.4/5183개의 리뷰
I would stay here again! I loved the location of the hotel. It is right inbetween the city center (New Street Station & Bullring) and the beautiful Brindley Place are by the old canal. The room itself was clean and looked mostly like it was in the picture, I also had a pretty cool view onto the old canal from the 15th floor. The carpet and the couch looked a bit ”worn down”, but it was clean nonetheless. The staff was friendly, nice and very helpful. It was nice that the breakfast was included and there was a good choice of breakfast options. I can 100% recommend this hotel when staying in Birmingham. I had a nice time and didn't miss anything while staying at the Holiday Inn Express.
홀리데이 인 익스프레스 버밍엄 스타 시티
4.4/544개의 리뷰
It was a wonderful experience in Holiday Inn Express Star City to us. First of all, we made a mistake to check-in in the Holiday Inn Express in the city centre after a long drive in London. Then we drove to the correct one. We were greeted with a big smile when we entered the lobby. We were introduced about the nearby supermarket and so on. During our stay, all the staff smiled and greeted us politely and made us welcomed. The room was tidy and spacious. The design was suitable for people with a wheelchair. The buffet breakfast included different varieties. I liked the fruits, bread and yoghurt best. On the whole, this hotel is highly recommended to visitors with or without cars.
홀리데이 인 익스프레스 버밍엄 NEC
4.2/570개의 리뷰
The decor is refreshingly recent , not something you'd expect all the time at British airport hotels. It was the friendliest check-in experience in a long time. The room was impeccably clean and all the mod cons available . The only downer was the location, it is about 1.5 miles from the BHX airport and in order to get to the hotel you walk past a halting site on one side and a lorry staging post on the other. But hey , you can't have it all. Like with a person - it's what's within that counts.
홀리데이 인 익스프레스 버밍엄 스노우 힐
4.3/5126개의 리뷰
We did a self driving trip in Birmingham, which means the only problem for transportation we need to concern is car parking. Cannot provide info about location. Rooms are clean and big enough for opening the suitcases. Breakfast is literally amazing which has so many choices.

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