비버리 호텔 후기

베스트 웨스턴 더 레어게이트 호텔
3.7/541개의 리뷰
Firstly the good stuff, the staff were extremely friendly and helpful and the “Full English” breakfast was delicious. The Lairgate is a historic building ideally located for the centre of Beverley, a few steps away from the Town square, but It is in need of more than a little “TLC”, both the exterior and interior are looking a little shabby, but you can see the former glory of the building. We stayed for one night in Room 4, to the rear of the building on the first floor. Again the room is dated, the mattress is well past it’s useful life and needs urgently replacing, we did report this but were informed nobody had complained before, sorry but I just cannot believe that, there is simply no support in it whatsoever. The armchair in the room needs throwing away, a heavy sweat stain mark on the head is simply not acceptable. I have noted a similar comment from a previous occupant of that room in these reviews. Generally the room was just not up scratch, the shower gel receptacles in the bathroom were empty, yes we could have asked for refills but we shouldn’t have had to. Only one large towel was provided, yes we could have asked for a second, but we shouldn’t have asked to. Bedding was old and tired, the bed poorly made and just didn’t feel clean, we did note blood stain in the bottom sheet. Heating to the room was not switched on when we arrived and I had to ask at reception for it to be activated, again just attention to detail. Furniture in the room is very dated and the glass mirror “table tops” are horrendous, and must be an absolute nightmare for the staff to clean. The hotel needs some serious investment if it is to survive, it has huge potential but is just not being maintained or improved, I’m sure the staff try their best but it is being run with minimal manning and they simply cannot adequately cover all the tasks required. Management was not present, we would like to have addressed our grievances directly rather than go “public”

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