엠 오르트 호텔 쿠폰 - 선착순 할인코드・특가 프로모션

트립닷컴 호텔 쿠폰! 신규고객 최대 8프로 할인🎉🔥

호텔 할인코드 사용방법

트립닷컴에서는 모든 호텔에 사용이 가능한 최대 8% 호텔 쿠폰을 제공합니다. 해당 쿠폰으로 훌륭한 호텔을 더욱 더 저렴한 가격에 즐겨보세요. 사용방법도 간단합니다! 호텔을 예약하고 결제 직전 할인 코드를 입력하세요. 트립 닷컴에서 예약 가능한 모든 호텔은 예약시 프로모션 코드로 할인 혜택을 받을 수 있습니다. 지금 코드를 이용해 더욱 저렴하게 호텔을 특가로 즐겨보세요.

지금부터 12월 31일까지 트립닷컴 앱을 다운로드 받고 회원가입하면 최대 8%의 할인 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다.

[이번주 호텔 특가] 부산・경상 지역 최대 63% 호텔 할인

부산, 경상 지역 호텔 특가

트립닷컴 신규회원이면 호텔 첫 예약 시 추가로 최대 12,800원 할인 받을 수 있습니다!

이번에는 부산・경상 지역의 인기 호텔 특가 진행합니다.

인피티니풀 무료입장권 포함하여 최대 63% 할인된 가격에 예약할 수 있으니 기회를 놓치지 마세요~


📅 프로모션 기간 : 24년 7월 8일 ~ 7월 21일

🏤 숙박기간 : ~ 24년 9월 30일

자주 묻는 질문

  • 할인 코드는 어떻게 받을 수 있나요?

    할인코드를 받으려면, 할인코드를 복사하면 됩니다.

  • 할인코드는 어떻게 사용하나요?

    할인코드를 복사한 후 예약 페이지 하단의 할인코드 항목에 붙여 넣으세요. 그러면, 할인이 자동으로 적용되고 할인 금액이 표시됩니다.

  • 쿠폰과 특가 프로모션 할인을 동시에 적용할 수 있나요?

    네, 다만 예약당 쿠폰은 하나만 적용할 수 있습니다.

  • 어떤 호텔에 할인코드를 사용할 수 있나요??

    립닷컴 웹사이트에 표시된 이용 가능한 호텔을 예약할 때 할인코드를 사용할 수 있습니다.

객실 특가 및 프로모션

디럭스 씨 뷰 트윈룸
디럭스 씨 뷰 트윈룸
킹침대 2개29.7m²
무료 Wi-Fi에어컨냉장고씨 뷰수건
오르트 스위트
오르트 스위트
킹침대 2개66.1m²
무료 Wi-Fi에어컨개인 욕실냉장고TV
패밀리 스위트
패밀리 스위트
킹침대 2개62.8m²
무료 Wi-Fi에어컨냉장고씨 뷰수건
디럭스 시티 뷰 더블룸
디럭스 시티 뷰 더블룸
킹침대 1개26.4m²
무료 Wi-Fi에어컨냉장고시티 뷰수건
시티 뷰 디럭스 트윈룸
시티 뷰 디럭스 트윈룸
킹침대 2개26.4m²
무료 Wi-Fi에어컨냉장고시티 뷰수건
디럭스 씨 뷰 더블룸
디럭스 씨 뷰 더블룸
킹침대 1개29.7m²
무료 Wi-Fi에어컨냉장고씨 뷰수건
호텔 리뷰(검증된 리뷰 3개)
검증된 리뷰
청결도 - 보통임
호텔 시설 - 보통임
위치 - 보통임
서비스 - 보통임
66% 추천
사진/동영상 리뷰(1)
포토 리뷰(1)
시티 뷰 디럭스 트윈룸
투숙일: 2023-01-01 23:59:00
3리뷰 개
작성일: 2023-01-22 17:00:28
친구랑 같이 갔는데 호텔 깨끗하고 방도 넓고 편안하게 쉬어다 갔습니다 바다랑 가까워서 좋았습니다 ~~~~~~~~~
디럭스 씨 뷰 더블룸
투숙일: 2023-03-01 23:59:00
5리뷰 개
작성일: 2023-04-02 14:18:40
만의 멋진 전망입니다. 호텔 자체는 안전하고 편안합니다. 모퉁이를 돌면 카페, 바, 레스토랑이 있습니다. 나는 다시 여기에 머물 것이다.
디럭스 씨 뷰 트윈룸
투숙일: 2022-08-01 23:59:00
6리뷰 개
작성일: 2022-08-11 20:20:29
🚫🚫🚫Stay at your own risk ❗️❗️❗️Exceptionally unreasonable hotel counter staff that screams and shouts at her hotel guests, threatening to call the police. We had a misunderstanding on both ends with regards to the hotel’s laundry services. As laundry on-site was listed on the hotel’s description under amenities, we asked if we could use the laundry services upon checkin in. The counter lady informed us to pass us our clothing by 9am the next day, which will be returned to us in the evening. There was no mention that the laundry services was chargeable at any point in time. On our 2nd night, we received our washed laundry - ironed and dry cleaned. We were puzzled as to why they have been dry cleaned when we wanted our laundry to be washed in their washing machines on-site. On the 3rd night, we received a note stating that we have to make a payment of 60,000k won for our dry cleaning services. When we went down to explain the situation from our end (we were not informed that the service was chargeable, and we certainly did not asked for our clothing to be sent for dry cleaning), the counter lady went berserk and starting screaming and shouting at us. We were put on a phone to speak to the owner of Am Ort Hotel, he seemed pretty reasonable and suggested to split the bill by half between us since it was a misunderstanding on both parties. We should not have assumed. And they should have informed us upfront. However the counter lady refused and threatened to call the police. We were in our rooms, showering and having our dinner and the counter lady rang up our room, each time threatening us with 경찰 (police in Korean). The owner also turned up at our hotel room door and rang our doorbell and asked us to go downstairs to settle. It was unfair that it wasn’t made known to us the laundry services was chargeable. The owner shared that in Korea, laundry = dry cleaning services and asked why should they lose money as a result of this and fork out $ and we should not have assumed that laundry services would be foc. While we were trying to settle this, the counter lady shouted a whole slew of Korean words and repeatedly saying they’d call the police on us. The police arrived. One of them was taking the owner’s statement, while the other one stood quietly by the side reading our translated version of our side of the story. It seemed to us that the police taking the statement was telling the owner to settle this amicably amongst ourselves (they did not speak to us foreigners at all). Thereafter the owner suggested that we pay 40,000k won while they cover 20,000k won. The counter lady kept her silence the entire duration when the police was around. But she started shouting at us the moment they left again. We proposed to the owner to split half, 30,000k won each to which he agreed. But it was met by sniggers and the lady calling us crazy (in Korean which we understood). They had originally wanted one of us to stay at the reception counter while one of us go upstairs to bring the money down, which we refused as we both went up together instead. The counter lady also printed out our passport details and she seemed to want to threaten us that she had our personal information. This was an extremely unpleasant encounter with Am Ort hotel. What could have been settled amicably due to our misunderstandings turned out to be a stressful incident involving the police. The hotel staff were unwilling to discuss with us from the start especially the lady. Even when we made a request to trip.com to get a supplier in Korea to contact and speak to them, they hung up the calls multiple times as it was in English and not in Korean. We were worried for our safety at night too. Overall the situation put us in much anxiety and distraught, especially when we are foreigners not understanding the Korean language. Btw, we asked to change the bedsheets as they were soiled, but they were changed to another dirty set 😂
리뷰 3개 모두보기

엠 오르트 호텔위치

이충무공 여수 선소 유적
LG패션 여수헤지스
Turtle Park
GS칼텍스 예울마루

엠오르트호텔 도착 교통편

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엠 오르트 호텔 쿠폰