주요 정보주변 도시리뷰리워드 도전추천

Hydroelectric plant

Centrale idroelettrica
아직 리뷰가 없습니다.
187건의 리뷰
Via G. Cis 13, 38066, Trento, Italy지도
전화번호+39 0461 032486
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Hydroelectric plant 주변에서 인기 있는 추천 명소

Hydroelectric plant 리뷰

리뷰 작성
TripAdvisor(187건의 리뷰)TripAdvisor
187건의 리뷰
  • Ledjutlad

    A must see

    Being in Riva for a break I decided to visit this great piece of architecture, sadly the only English speaking tour was late Friday and couldn’t make it as I had an early flight next morning. Luckily ...

    작성일: 2023년9월22일
  • englishbumble

    An ok tour but a bit expensive

    Found this tour mentioned online so thought we’d give it a go as my partner enjoy all things technical. One of the only options for an English tour was a dual language Italian/English tour so booked...

    작성일: 2023년7월7일
  • LimerickguyNH

    Didn't expect to see this when I planned our holiday!

    We could see the building from our hotel room and with some web browsing realised that they did a tour in english on Thursday afternoon. The tour is 2 hours long and involves a lot of walking and use ...

    작성일: 2019년7월4일
  • Alex_Klots

    Небольшой курортный городок – не самый эффектный на озере Гарда

    На гарде много городков. Рива дель Гарда не самый колоритный из них, просто курорт без изюминки. Главная площадь не впечатляет – просто уютная и типичная площадь

    작성일: 2018년5월27일
  • Walter Georg K
    Walter Georg K

    Man lernt nie aus...

    Hier wird umweltfreundlicher Strom durch Verwendung von Wasser des 500 m höher gelegenen Ledro Sees erzeugt. Schon die präzisen Erläuterungen der dortigen Sachverständigen lohnen einen Besuch, denn ma...

    작성일: 2019년12월22일
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