다양한 갤버스턴 모텔 확인해 보세요

갤버스턴 호텔 후기

슬립 인 & 스위트 갤버스턴 아일랜드
3.3/521생생 리뷰
깨끗하고 깔끔한 좋은 n 아주 좋은 ppl
윈게이트 바이 윈덤 갤버스턴 이스트 비치
2.6/5106생생 리뷰
The room is very clean and big with full finished. Location is good.
코트야드 바이 메리어트 갤브스톤 아일랜드
4.2/541생생 리뷰
My room was great and had an ocean view. The room was clean and the bedding was soft. I didn't get a chance to try out the kitchen but the place looked really nice. The atmosphere is definitely family-friendly, with no crazy parties or anything of the sort. The room cleaning staff was professional and friendly. Lastly, I want to acknowledge Giovanni (front office staff) for being so friendly, curious, and helpful. He was the first person I interacted with on my trip and that initial meeting set me up for a great stay. Would recommend this place to anybody staying in or near Galveston.
더 샌 루이스 리조트 스파 & 컨퍼런스 센터
4.2/599생생 리뷰
호텔은 방의 어둡고 칙칙한 장식 ... 어두운 갈색, 겨자 및 어두운 오렌지 색상과 더불어 우리가 원했던 것에 완벽했다. 나는 당신이 임대 할 콘도에서 볼 수있는 가벼운 파란색 또는 가벼운 녹색 방으로 걸어 간다고 상상했습니다. 이 색상은 어둡고 필사적으로 개조해야합니다. 욕실은 확실히 더 좋은 날을 보았습니다 ... 목욕 기지는 약간 거칠게 보였지만 더 어두운 외관을 유지하는 반 미끄럼 매트가있었습니다. 샤워 문이 줄 지어 있고 제대로 맞지 않았습니다. 기본적으로 약간 지저분하고 매력적이지 않았습니다! 그러나 시설은 훌륭했습니다. 발코니는 훌륭합니다. 클럽 10 레벨은 어린이 무료 구역을 허용하여 더 조용하며 무료 배달 아침 식사 또는 아침 식사 요금을 줄이기위한 바우처를 제공합니다. @ Blakes Bistro & 나는 무료 발렛 주차를 믿습니다 (물론 팁은 제외하고!) San Luis의 레스토랑은 훌륭합니다. 우리가 여기에서 먹은 모든 것은 맛 있었지만 비쌌습니다. 서비스도 훌륭했고 모든 직원은 매우 세심하고 친절했습니다.
게이도스 시사이드 인
4/541생생 리뷰
Husband and I decided to try someplace new for a weekend getaway and chose this place based on the Gaido’s name and the website stating it was newly renovated. We stayed in the “Gulf View Luxury King Ground Floor with Private Hot Tub” or “Mike’s Corner” room. This room boasted several amenities such as: upscale linens, private hot tub, THREE flat screen TV’s, Bluetooth music center, enhanced bath with separated shower/tub, wet bar, with a private entrance and patio.  What they DON’T tell you is that : The “upscale linens” stick to you all night because the AC doesn’t cool properly and you sweat all night long. The tiles in the bathroom sag with what appears to be water damage. The “private patio” is literally on the corner of a very busy intersection. Therefore, loud cars drive by all the time. There is also a sidewalk VERY close to your “private patio” which causes people to walk right by the “private patio” and your room at all hours of the night. The entrance to get back into your room from the patio/hot tub area does not have an operating lock on the door. The aluminum shutters are not made to be actual barriers to keep the public from getting into your room, and since there is a broken lock on the actual door back into the room, we had to band it shut to feel it safe to even sleep at night. The main entrance from the parking lot is also dark and not well lit at night. Does not feel safe at all. The hot tub is rusted all around the bottom and barely reaches 101 degrees. There are only TWO TV’s and only ONE of them actually works part of the time. The Bluetooth center never worked properly either. The wet bar has a filthy, rusted, and dusty plugin 6” plastic fan hooked on it that was not even plugged in. There was no purpose for this nasty fan aside from apparently showing the type of thing that is completely overlooked by the maintenance and cleaning crew. The seats besides the wet bar are stained with who knows what. The one door is also missing its knob. The enhanced bath needs a new plug to help actually hold water and the cool waterfall and other extra showers don’t work either. The soap dispensers are rusted and dirty. The electrical sockets are all rusted as well (we understand it’s by the Gulf, but have you not heard of using plastic or another material that might hold up better?) The doors will look like they have been jimmied open at least a couple of times. The tiles are not even fully covering the ceiling. If I were the Gaido’s family, I would be ashamed to put my name and reputation on this hotel. If this little hotel is this bad, I’m curious what their restaurant kitchen looks like? If it weren’t for the last-minute trip and non-refundable payment, we would have just left. What a waste of $700 bucks and we will never go back that’s for sure!! See pictures as to why you may want to skip this place too.
더 트레몬트 하우스, 갤버스턴, 어 트리뷰트 포트폴리오 호텔
4.6/541생생 리뷰
위치가 마음에 들었습니다. 호텔은 매우 좋았고 대부분의 프론트 데스크 사람들은 매우 수용 적이었습니다. 우리가 체크 아웃 할 때까지 짐을 들고 있던 여성은 매우 친절하고 재미있었습니다. 객실은 오래된 호텔에 매우 좋았습니다. 식당은 완전한 똥이었습니다. 아침 식사는 가격이 비싸고 마치 전자 레인지에서 가열 된 것처럼 보였습니다. 커피에 리필이 없습니다. 직원이 서서 그곳에 관심이 없음을 나타냅니다. 우리가 길을 내려 가서 훨씬 적은 더 나은 식사를 할 수 있다고 느꼈습니다.

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호텔 기본 정보

호텔 수7개
리뷰 수110개
요금 (높은 순)EUR 636
요금 (낮은 순)EUR 43
평균 요금(주말)EUR 188
평균 요금(주중)EUR 123