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실제 여행객의 리뷰를 참고하고 맘에 쏙 드는 호텔을 찾아보세요
Poetry Painting Garden of Xianju
4.8/599개의 리뷰
I recently stayed in the family room at this homestay and wanted to share my experience. On the positive side, the room was quite spacious, providing ample room for my family to move around comfortably. The owner was very friendly and accommodating, making us feel welcome during our stay. The garden in front of the house added to the pleasant ambiance. However, there were a few downsides to our stay. Firstly, I noticed that the cleanliness of the toilet and shower area wasn't up to par. This was a bit disappointing as cleanliness is a crucial aspect of any accommodation. Additionally, there were no disposable slippers provided, which would have been a thoughtful touch. Lastly, the air conditioning in the room didn't cool the space effectively, leaving the room a bit warmer than we would have liked. In conclusion, while there were some positives to our stay, the issues with cleanliness, lack of disposable slippers, and inadequate air conditioning did affect our overall comfort. With a bit of improvement in these areas, this homestay could offer an even more enjoyable experience for families looking for a relaxing getaway.
Xiangju private rain and dew guesthouse
4.9/59개의 리뷰
環境:民宿是新開業的,位置也很方便,出門就是吃飯的地方,晚上還可以走去遊客中心散步。 服務:工作人員都非常熱情,幫忙指明瞭去神仙居的路線以及出行建議。一開始的時候是下午,還有空閑時間,於是老闆建議去附近的古民居走一走,還是很舒服的。 環境:房間很大,床也很舒服,我帶着父母睡一間。浴室有化粧鏡,需要的話可以問老闆要一次性馬桶墊。外面還有一個小秋千,看看風景挺好噠! 樓下有一個乒乓球桌,可以露兩手~ 如果下次來仙居,還是會選擇這裏。 工作人員態度好,住宿環境舒適,有電梯,不用爬樓。
Starry·Light Luxury Art Designer Parent-child Holiday View Beauty Su (Shenxianju Jingxingyan)
4.9/534개의 리뷰
一行人來都很驚艷 房間裏很適合年輕人團建活動,很多玩的, 下雨來的,在樓頂就看得到神仙居 自駕來的,開車走不遠就是神仙居 很推薦,已收藏,以後來仙居就來這邊 特地早起吃阿姨做的早飯,小老闆也很客氣 慢節奏的生活很舒服! 給個滿分不要太喜歡!
셴쥐 하오라이쥐 호텔
2.6/58개의 리뷰
아침식사는 나가서 우회전하면 되고 문앞에 주차하기도 편하고 주인아주머니도 진짜 리얼하고 가격도 적당하고
4.6/588개의 리뷰
因為要去神仙居定的名宿 覺得名宿名字好聽就定了 入住之後發現真的不錯,環境蠻好的 ,3個人定了2間房 老闆看我們第一次還給我們升級了房型 ,簡直不要太驚喜 !房間環境衞生都不錯 原木風格的裝修我也很喜歡,服務態度也好。以後如果再來的話會住這裏!
미란 호텔(셴쥐터미널센터)
4.5/5318개의 리뷰

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요금 (높은 순)1,600,000원
요금 (낮은 순)14,400원
리뷰 수18,385개
호텔 수561개
평균 요금(주중)93,916원
평균 요금(주말)95,578원