Centro Comercial Plaza La Granja 주변 호텔을 찾고 계시나요? 실제 투숙객이 남긴 리뷰를 확인해 보세요.

맞춤형 온두라스 테구시갈파 호텔 추천

Centro Comercial Plaza La Granja 주변 인기 호텔을 알아보세요


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테구시갈파 호텔 후기

Centro Comercial Plaza La Granja 주변 호텔을 찾고 계시나요? 객실 요금과 리뷰를 비교하고 마음에 쏙 드는 호텔을 예약하세요.
하얏트 플레이스 테구시갈파
4.4/586생생 리뷰
The Hyatt Place offers a competitive alternative to the fancier Intercontinental. The hotel is well appointed and offers satisfactory service. Some minor improvements would make it even better. Check-in/out process is slow and cumbersome for instance. General noisiness has been high during my last two stays which bothered me. The previous time as a teenage basketball team of 100 people was staying there (absolutely impossible to have a good night’s sleep) and this time due to the elevator and ice machine being close to the room. The hotel seemed to have ample availability but I was still given a bad room. These things could be easily improved with better trained staff.
홀리데이 인 익스프레스 테구시갈파
4.3/5107생생 리뷰
직원들은 최고의 관심을 기울이고 있습니다. 그들은 훌륭합니다!! 입구에서 나를 맞이하는 수호자의 환대, 청소 직원의 관심, 아침 식사에 이르기까지 항상 환영받는 느낌을줍니다!!
피렌체 플라자 호텔
4.2/5104생생 리뷰
From a reasonably efficient checkin and enjoying the complimentary drink in the bar where the staff seem not to be the friendliest it was noticeable that the whole establishment needs modernisation. There were only two power sockets (together) in the room which were already in use for the lamp and TV. There were two others oin the bathroom. The room was a reasonable size but I should not need to use the only sockets on the other side of the room and have to remove the lamp or TV socket, particularly as the lamp was needed as there was no ceiling lights. This is 2023 and rooms need more power outlets than this dated relic offers. Breakfast was not the best. A menu was given and some things that were asked for resulted in shrugs and disapproving faces. Others items seemed to be more acceptable. However when the staff were asked for a particular drink, the completely wrong drink was given, mainly due to the lack of English used and I am also at fault here as I speak no Spanish. Another guest intervened and told the staff what I wanted but he only got it half right and what eventually arrived was a compromise I suppose. Whilst having breakfast the room had been cleaned and after returning to the room to freshen up and collect a couple of items for the day, I had a short 20 minute snooze only to be woken by a member of staff in the room telling me that it was now checkout. This was at 10.30am and checkout was not until 1pm. Additionally I also had another night to spend there!!! This led me to be particularly suspicious as to why the employee was in the room in the first place. Had she been told by cleaning staff that I was out and that the laptop in the room was there for the taking? Was she made aware that I was one of the few few foreign guests in the hotel and being likely to leave the country soon, was she there to add ”cargo” to my luggage only for it to be later retrieved by a gang after being followed? From this point on I did not feel comfortable at all in the hotel. This was exasperated by the fact that the room keycard would not work on the door later when returning that evening. A nearby cleaner kindly shook her head and then quickly let me in. I am afraid this hotel will have to improve significantly if it wants to generate business from foreign clientele who simoly want a safe and hassle-free stay. I will not be back.

FAQ (자주하는질문)

  • 트립닷컴 할인코드는 어떻게 받을 수 있나요?

    트립닷컴 이용이 처음인 신입회원은 트립닷컴 할인코드 페이지를 통해 트립닷컴 할인코드를 발급받아 사용할 수 있습니다. 트립닷컴 회원에게는 트립닷컴에서 상품예약, 트립 모먼트 포스팅을 통해 추후 예약할 때 할인 받을 수 있는 트립코인이 주어집니다.

  • 트립닷컴 특가 호텔은 어떻게 확인하나요?

    트립닷컴은 일년 내내 다양한 호텔 특가와 프로모션을 제공합니다. 당사 특가 및 프로모션 페이지에서 다양한 할인 혜택을 만나보세요. 트립닷컴 회원이라면, 본인 계정에 로그인한 후 호텔 목록 페이지에서 독점 특가 요금을 확인해 보세요.

  • 트립닷컴 특가 호텔은 어떻게 확인하나요?

    트립닷컴은 일 년 내내 이용할 수 있는 다양한 호텔 특가와 프로모션을 제공합니다. 당사 특가 페이지에서 다양한 특전 혜택을 만나보세요. 마일리지 프로그램 회원이라면, 본인 계정에 로그인한 후 호텔 목록 페이지에서 독점 특가 요금을 확인하세요.

  • 호텔을 더욱 저렴하게 예약하는 방법은 무엇인가요?

    일반적으로 주중에 예약하면 더 저렴하며, 프로모션을 통해 저렴한 호텔 확인 및 할인을 받을 수도 있습니다.

  • 트립닷컴에는 몇 개의 호텔이 등록되어있나요?

    트립닷컴에서는 전 세계 230개 이상의 국가/지역에 위치한 500만 곳 이상의 호텔 예약을 지원하고 있습니다.

  • 트립닷컴에서 예약한 호텔의 취소 및 변경이 가능한가요?

    호텔 정책과 취소 날짜에 따라 가능여부가 다릅니다. 관련 호텔 페이지의 정책 섹션에서 확인해 주셔야하며, 예약하신 호텔을 취소하거나 변경하려면 트립닷컴 계정에 로그인한 다음 "My 예약"으로 이동해 표시되는 안내를 따라주세요.

  • 트립닷컴 고객센터로 연락하는 방법은 무엇인가요?

    트립닷컴은 연중무휴 24시간 지원하는 고객센터를 지원하고 있습니다. 트립닷컴 고객센터는 전화 및 채팅으로 연락할 수 있습니다.