바 (Bar) 있는 인기 헤론 아일랜드 호텔을 둘러보세요

헤론 아일랜드 호텔 투숙객 후기

헤론 아일랜드 리조트
4/552생생 리뷰
Heron Island is a haven for our family of 3 teens. We’ve just arrived home after our 4th trip to the island. No tech, no tv, no wifi, no shops, no schedules, no news. Just idyllic vistas, teeming wildlife, sensational snorkelling (even from the beach), a home style restaurant & like minded families. The teenagers congregate around pool tables after long days that seem equally as lazy as they are action packed. Sunrise walks to see turtles returning to the water after nesting, snorkelling out to the wrecks to swim with turtles, sharks, rays & reef fish of every hue. Breakfast buffet to refuel, then sit & watch myriad birds tend nests & chicks. Hop on a boat for an outer reef snorkelling or scuba mission - manta rays, iridescent tiny jelly fish & everything in between, passing before your eyes. Grab a burger for lunch, read a book, snooze.. Time for a walk around the island before ordering a cocktail from the bar & wandering down to the jetty to watch the sun melt into the ocean. Dinner (not 5 star, but always good) then off to the pool tables, live music till 8. A late night wander along the beach usually rewards you with a turtle working her way up to nest. Sleep comes easily, possibly due to the screen detox! It’s not a glamorous resort, but the serenity & beauty of the island & its surrounds is where it’s at. No day trippers here, so even at capacity, it never feels crowded. Accomodation is basic, but well serviced. If you like to sleep cool, make sure you book an air conditioned room. Resort is staffed largely by a contingent of young international travellers, eager to live, work & scuba dive in paradise for a while. While the service is not high end, I could not fault the enthusiasm of the staff & their desire to make our stay a memorable one. The restaurant is soon to return to a la carte dining & I feel the quality of the dining may lift a notch or two. That said, nothing could change about this island & we will still be returning next year.

FAQ (자주하는질문)

  • 헤론 아일랜드에서 바 (Bar) 시설을 갖춘 인기 호텔은 어디인가요?

    헤론 아일랜드 리조트 호텔은 헤론 아일랜드 출장객과 휴가 여행객 모두가 선호하는 호텔입니다.

  • 헤론 아일랜드에서 바 (Bar) 시설을 갖춘 호텔의 평균 요금은 얼마인가요?

    헤론 아일랜드에서 바 (Bar) 시설을 갖춘 호텔의 평균 주중 평균 요금은 362,026원이며, 주말(금요일~토요일) 평균 요금은 361,128원입니다.

  • 바 (Bar) 시설을 갖춘 헤론 아일랜드호텔 예약에 적용 가능한 프로모션은 어떤 것이 있나요?

    트립닷컴은 일년 내내 회원을 위한 다양한 프로모션과 할인을 제공합니다. 프로모션 페이지에서 다양한 트립닷컴 특가 상품을 살펴보세요.

호텔 기본 정보

호텔 수1개
리뷰 수52개
요금 (높은 순)445,213원
요금 (낮은 순)290,825원
평균 요금(주중)362,026원
평균 요금(주말)361,128원