랜치 앳 유크로스(Ranch at Ucross)
객실당 인원 수
객실 1개, 성인 2명, 어린이 0명
클리어몬트 모든 숙소

랜치 앳 유크로스(Ranch at Ucross)

2673 US-14, 82835 클리어몬트, 와이오밍, 미국
지도에서 호텔보기
랜치 앳 유크로스에서는 바쁜 일정 후 휴식시간을 보낼 수 있는 편안한 객실이 마련되어 있습니다. 랜치 앳 유크로스 객실은 여행객과 비즈니스 출장객 모두에게 클리어몬트에서 편안하게 지낼 수 있는 공간입니다. 더 보기
트립닷컴 가격 보장제
hotel overview picture
Ranch at Ucross
Ranch at Ucross
Ranch at Ucross
Ranch at Ucross
Ranch at Ucross
Ranch at Ucross
4.1/5청결도: 4.1
전체 8개 리뷰
호텔 시설
승마주차장무료도서관테니스 코트회의실공용공간 Wi-Fi무료
모든 시설
호텔주변 추천명소
지도에서 이 숙소 보기


투숙객 리뷰

호텔 정책

시설 & 서비스



킹침대 1개 및 소파 침대 2개
창문 유무 미확정
객실 정보
예약가능여부 확인

투숙객 리뷰(8)

검증된 리뷰
  • 청결도4.1
  • 시설4.1
  • 위치4.1
  • 서비스4.1

지금 호텔을 예약하고 체크아웃 후 리뷰 작성 시, 120 트립코인이 적립됩니다. (약 GBP 0.94) 적립된 트립코인은 다음 호텔 예약 시, 즉시 할인적용이 가능합니다.

2023년 11월 23일
Beautiful setting we just didn’t have enough time to take full advantage of the facilities. However I did get some nice photos. The facility apparently was previously used as a company’s retreat for employees. I bet it provided a beautiful and productive site for thinking about what comes next!
2023년 7월 28일
An oasis with friendly welcoming hosts, a nice dinner and breakfast. A crystal clear pool all on spotlessly groomed grounds. The rooms were immaculate and comfortable. The history of the ranch gives even more reason to go. If it fits into your travels check it out.
2023년 7월 8일
This was a multigenerational stay at Ucross which is important to note because there was something for everyone. The owners (? I think) were the best, so friendly, informative and accommodating. The rooms are huge, and while we had two people per room, they would have been big enough for four. The room itself was clean, but the garbage from the previous occupants was still in both trash cans, which was kind of gross but fine. There were cats/dogs for the kids to play with, other animals to see, fishing for whoever wanted to fish, swimming for whoever wanted to swim (water was very warm), and hot tubs to enjoy. The food at dinner and breakfast was a solid good, and the bar was enjoyed by the adults in the party. After dinner, we were set up with a much appreciated camp fire and smores, which made the evening really special for all. The main downside was that we only had one night there, each of us commented we wished we could stay longer. We would definitely go back.
2023년 1월 31일
Staying at the Ranch at Ucross was the worst night of our vacation! The ranch was rundown and the amenities were clearly not as stated! Horseback riding was merely an adult pony ride and the grounds were neglected. Upon checking in we were told to be down at the buffet breakfast early or there may not be sufficient food left and they "don't refill." Things got worse when we were rudely treated by a bus tour guide at the dinner buffet who was then supported by the manager of the ranch (who of course, relies on these large groups). Luckily we only had a one night stay at this unfriendly ranch!
2023년 1월 31일
This is Not a dude ranch. It is a tired group of bungalows in need of renovation located in a large field. What dude ranch has almost no activities and only a few horses? My group was also treated very poorly by the owners while they provided preferential treatment to their repeat large tour bus group. The buffet dinner was in line with the hotel-lousy! This is not a dude ranch experience in the West. Needs a lot of renovation, activities and much more courteous owners!
2023년 1월 31일
We had this stop on a group tour. We were delighted with the real ranch setting. Our rooms overlooked a horse filled corral. Our bartender served the most delicious Wyoming Mule drink, our buffet was delicious and the branding experience was quite informative. The scenery surrounding the area was breathtaking and our hosts couldn't be more accommodating. Don't hesitate to stop here -- you won't be disappointed!
2022년 8월 21일
The site is beautiful but the level of service is very low. We learnt only a few days before checking in that we could not stay 3 nights but only 2 although we had made a reservation through ******* several weeks before... We were also very disappointed that horse riding was almost not possible, and that the swimming pool was available only a few hours a day. The same dinner was served two days in a row. There is not even a laundry service on site. All of this is very disappointing regarding the high price we paid (600 dollars/ night). It seems that Ranch at Ucrosss is focused on groups more than individuals (every night a bus was coming to fill in the ranch and all activities are planned according to this bus). Furthermore, the staff was most of the time not helpful at all. We said several times that we were not satisfied and there was absolutely no reaction from the ranch managers. We were also surprised that our bank account was debited for the price of 2 nights even before we arrived in the ranch.
2021년 7월 26일
Great scenery, very hospitable. This was Day 4 or our tour and it was a relaxing spot. The bar was excellent and Charlie knew how to pour them. The room in the main building was like living in your grandmother's house and it was musty until you turned the a/c and fan on for awhile. I would have preferred to stay in the new lodging by the pool. Horseback riding and fly fishing were offered. Had a great dinner and breakfast buffet style.

숙소 규정

체크인 & 체크아웃 시간
체크인: 15:00 이후
체크아웃: 12:00 이전

프런트 데스크 운영 시간: [월요일-일요일]07:00~22:00

어린이 정책
어린이 또는 침대 추가 정책 확인을 위해, 반드시 호텔로 사전에 문의해주세요.

유아용 침대 및 엑스트라 베드
유아용 침대 및 침대 추가 정책 관련 자세한 사항은 해당 호텔로 문의해 주세요.

제공 방식뷔페
1인당 US$ 29.99(약 GBP 23.74)
추가 조식 비용은 총금액에 포함되지 않으며 현장에서 지불하셔야 합니다.

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숙소 정보

  • 객실 수: 31
랜치 앳 유크로스에서는 바쁜 일정 후 휴식시간을 보낼 수 있는 편안한 객실이 마련되어 있습니다. 랜치 앳 유크로스 객실은 여행객과 비즈니스 출장객 모두에게 클리어몬트에서 편안하게 지낼 수 있는 공간입니다.

호텔 시설을 이용하여 하루 동안의 피로를 말끔히 푸실 수 있습니다. 호텔에서는 주차 공간을 제공합니다.

시설 & 서비스

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FAQ (자주하는질문)

랜치 앳 유크로스 숙박 요금은 얼마인가요?

랜치 앳 유크로스 숙박 요금은 예약 날짜, 호텔 정책 및 기타 예약 조건에 따라 상이합니다. 정확한 금액은 호텔 검색 시, 예약하고자 하는 날짜를 선택한 후 확인하세요.

랜치 앳 유크로스에 온천이 있나요?

랜치 앳 유크로스에는 온천 시설이 없습니다.

랜치 앳 유크로스에서 조식을 제공하나요?

랜치 앳 유크로스에서는 조식을 이용할 수 있습니다.

랜치 앳 유크로스의 체크인 및 체크아웃 시간은 언제인가요?

체크인 시간은 15:00 이후, 체크아웃 시간은 12:00 이전입니다.

랜치 앳 유크로스에 수영장이 있나요?

랜치 앳 유크로스에는 수영장이 없습니다.

랜치 앳 유크로스에서 Wi-Fi를 사용할 수 있나요?

네, 호텔에서 Wi-Fi를 사용할 수 있습니다.

랜치 앳 유크로스에 레스토랑이 있나요?

랜치 앳 유크로스에는 레스토랑이 없습니다.

랜치 앳 유크로스에 어린이 시설이 있나요?

랜치 앳 유크로스에는 어린이 시설이 없습니다.

랜치 앳 유크로스에 주차가 가능한가요?

랜치 앳 유크로스의 주차 시설을 이용할 수 있습니다.

랜치 앳 유크로스에는 이용가능한 시설 & 서비스로 무엇이 있나요?

랜치 앳 유크로스 시설 & 서비스 정보: 반려동물 동반 환영, 승마, 주차시설

숙소 관련 정보

평균 최저가GBP493
호텔 성급3