바 (Bar) 이용 가능 베리 호텔을 둘러보세요

베리 호텔 후기

빅 리버 골프 & 컨트리 클럽
4.2/578생생 리뷰
머물기에 멋진 곳, 골퍼들이 노는 소리조차 들리지 않습니다. 일어나기 좋은 아름다운 풍경도. 매 순간 거기에있는 것을 좋아했고 선술집의 직원들도 모두 매우 친절했습니다! 나는 나홀로 여행자였으며 첫 번째 여행자였으며 걱정할 필요가 없었습니다.
베리 호텔
4.1/588생생 리뷰
We booked a Riverview Balcony Villa at the Berri Hotel via the Riverland revival voucher scheme from SA Tourism. We found our stay overpriced and were not impressed, considering what we paid. First the good bits. Location - we were located right opposite the River Murray The view was lovely. As was the weather The villas are fairly new and of good size, with seperate living & bedroom with a good sized bathroom with walk-in shower. 2 tvs handy wireless phone chargers next to the bed. Replenished daily “mini bar” (a few cans, water and chips nothing much! Didn’t get the mini wine replaced for some reason!) The food served at the dining room of the hotel was all nice and even though very busy was served quickly. (Book for dinner) The restaurant staff are a mixture of nice polite and helpful to rude and insolent. Tip - despite there being a scan order and pay facility on the tables (and in the rooms) it doesn’t send the orders. It will take your money! The staff know this but for some unknown reason they have not put any signs saying do not use. Apparently it’s your fault when you use them! And a big inconvenience to the staff when you do! Breakfast is included in the stay but only certain items from the menu. You can upgrade some items. But a difference of $3 on the menu becomes $4.50 on the till! You also get served tea as a cup of hot water and an opened tea bag sachet! No teapots or sealed sachets apparently. There is a pool, however it had the same goose/duck droppings in it for the entire 3 days we were there! So the area is not cleaned! Yuck! The Riverview villas are in blocks of 4 units. 2 up and 2 down. Would be nice if they had doorbells. They have outside lighting but if left on would stay in all day as they do not have light sensors. Not very energy efficient No recycling bins anywhere again not very green! The rooms are sp****ly furnished with low quality flooring. A sofa bed with no bedding. A kitchen with only cutlery (we had to buy a knife to cut things) no cloth to wash up or clean or spare bin liners. A microwave but no bbq. The dinning area was a sad looking table and 2 chairs. The room lights were either all on or off. It needs a side table and a lamp. There is Air-con in both the living and bedroom but no remote. Which was irritating at night having to get out of bed to turn it on/off. The sliding door to the balcony had a very flimsy poor quality lock. There was a missing light globe in the bathroom. The most annoying thing was the toilet. After each flush someone had to go outside and reset the pump. After twice going to reception and waiting to have it reset I asked the maintenance man what to do and did it myself for the rest of our stay. Why we were given the room with the faulty toilet (there were others available) or not moved, when it was reported is beyond me! A fully functioning toilet is an essential feature! By far the biggest disappointment was the price. When we booked the price appear

FAQ (자주하는질문)

  • 베리에서 바 (Bar) 시설을 갖춘 인기 호텔은 어디인가요?

    빅 리버 골프 & 컨트리 클럽베리 호텔 등이 출장객과 휴가 여행객 모두가 선호하는 호텔입니다.

  • 베리에서 바 (Bar) 시설을 갖춘 호텔의 평균 요금은 얼마인가요?

    베리에서 바 (Bar) 시설을 갖춘 호텔의 평균 주중 평균 요금은 166,929원이며, 주말(금요일~토요일) 평균 요금은 175,485원입니다.

  • 바 (Bar) 시설을 갖춘 베리호텔 예약에 적용 가능한 프로모션은 어떤 것이 있나요?

    트립닷컴은 일년 내내 회원을 위한 다양한 프로모션과 할인을 제공합니다. 프로모션 페이지에서 다양한 트립닷컴 특가 상품을 살펴보세요.

베리 여행 기본 정보

호텔 수2개
리뷰 수166개
요금 (높은 순)411,950원
요금 (낮은 순)102,719원
평균 요금(주중)166,929원
평균 요금(주말)175,485원