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New Cathedral

Sé Nova de Coimbra
아직 리뷰가 없습니다.
331건의 리뷰
Largo Feira dos Estudantes, 3000-214 Coimbra, Portugal지도
전화번호+351 239 823 138
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New Cathedral 리뷰

리뷰 작성
TripAdvisor(331건의 리뷰)TripAdvisor
331건의 리뷰
  • jeff1955malaysia

    Old Jesuit Church

    Se Nova in Coimbra, Portugal also means the New Cathedral. Even though it say new cathedral but the building actually dates back to the late 16th century and was built by the Jesuit Order.

    작성일: 2023년6월12일
  • B T
    B T

    Make you pay to go in

    The cathedral is unimpressive and nothing special. I can't stand it when there is a suggested donation but a rude lady on the entrance making sure everyone pays it. I would class this as an admission ...

    작성일: 2023년5월20일
  • BrakiWorldTraveler

    Buy your University tickets here around the corner

    The Se Nova Cathedral - the New Cathedral stands very close to the University square on the Coimbra hilltop. It dates back to 17c being much younger than the old Se down the hill from 12 c. Beautiful...

    작성일: 2022년8월3일
  • BotasTivy

    Entrada gratuita

    Originalmente era la iglesia del Colegio de Jesuitas en el s. XVII Conserva varias reliquias en el interior, aunque no se ofrece información de esto. La sillería del coro pertenece a la Catedral vieja...

    작성일: 2021년7월18일
  • flambertp

    Entrée payante même pour prier

    Très jolie cathédrale…de l’extérieur ! J’ai voulu rentrer pour faire un arrêt « spirituel » : pour m’asseoir et me recueillir. Bien que mes intentions étaient bonnes (signe de croix à l’entrée) un mo...

    작성일: 2023년4월29일
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