주요 정보주변 도시리뷰리워드 도전추천

Ospedale Maggiore Ca' Granda Universita Statale

Ospedale Maggiore Ca' Granda Università Statale
1건의 리뷰
233건의 리뷰
운영 시작: 1월 1일-12월 31일 월요일-금요일 8:00-19:00
추천 관광시간 :1-2시간
Via Festa del Perdono 3, 20122 Milan, Italy지도
리뷰 :

In Europe, I like to see this kind of building. The corridors are spread neatly along the streets. The long and narrow feeling is magnificent. Although this is not Milan's most historic university, the effect of the spacious lawn and arcade looks very historic. And the corridor inside the structure without complex murals, there is no decoration dome, with the appearance of flowers to protect the simple and clean feeling.

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