주요 정보주변 도시리뷰리워드 도전추천

Museum du tabac

Musée du Tabac
아직 리뷰가 없습니다.
103건의 리뷰
운영 시작: 1월 1일-12월 31일 수요일-금요일 10:00-12:00,14:00-17:30,운영 시작: 토요일-일요일 14:00-17:30
10 Rue de l'Ancien, 24100, Bergerac, France지도
전화번호+33 5 53 63 04 13
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Museum du tabac 주변에서 인기 있는 추천 명소

Museum du tabac 리뷰

리뷰 작성
TripAdvisor(103건의 리뷰)TripAdvisor
103건의 리뷰
  • ronm548

    Quaint, Interesting

    When we learned this is the only museum in France dedicated to the history of tobacco we decided to go. While neither of us smokes I used to work in the tobacco fields in Connecticut when I was 14-15...

    작성일: 2021년8월6일
  • Adventurers049


    What a surprise. The museum is full of excellent displays and there is a very good audio visual that should be watched before going on your tour. This is such a good visit.

    작성일: 2019년6월26일
  • Mike L
    Mike L

    Very worthwhile

    An incredible array and a lot of artefacts related to smoking. Displays well set up to see at their best. The multi wooden pipe maker machine is worth the visit on its own. The shear number and variet...

    작성일: 2019년6월24일
  • FairCityFrasie

    Still Don't Understand Why It is Here!

    I paid a small entry fee (4 Euros I think) and watched the film about tobacco's history (I mostly followed the French language but there were English sub-titles for the bits that lost me). Thereafter ...

    작성일: 2018년7월31일
  • Robert S
    Robert S

    Tobacco history

    We had read about the Tobacco museum before we went to Bergerac, so decided to visit. On entering we were told that there was a video about the history of tobacco , so we watched it. Although it was i...

    작성일: 2018년6월20일
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