
신민학회 옛터 리뷰

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Cai Hesen의 이전 거주지라고도 알려진 Xinmin Academy의 이전 사이트는 Changsha Rongwan Town의 원래 Liujiataizi에 있습니다. 맞은편에는 Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area와 가까운 Xinmin Primary School이 있습니다. 1918년 마오쩌둥과 채허센(Cai Hesen)은 5·4운동에 큰 영향을 미치는 신민학회를 이곳에서 설립했습니다. 주로 관람할 수 있는 전시실과 Cai Hesen의 옛 거주지, 전시실에는 당시 혁명사를 작별하는 사진, 텍스트, 영상 자료가 있으며 Cai Hesen의 옛 거주지는 Cai 씨가 살았던 침실과 주방을 실제로 보여줍니다. 당시 생활 조건.

신민학회 옛터

작성일: 2019년8월21일
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  • 蓝海清风1号

    Xinmin Academy의 이전 사이트는 화요일부터 일요일까지 9:00-17:00 일반인에게 공개되며 16:30에 티켓을 멈추고 박물관에 입장합니다. 이곳은 원래 일반 농가였습니다. 1917-1919 Cai Hesen 가족이 여기에 임대했습니다. 1918 년 4 월 14 일, 마오쩌둥 주석, Cai Hesen 및 기타 사람들은 이곳에서 Xinmin Academy 설립 회의를 개최했습니다. 먼저 국가 중점 문화 유물 보호 단위입니다.

    작성일: 2019년8월10일
  • gz当地向导伊妹儿

    The old site of Xinmin Society is one of the red tourist attractions. It is worth recommending to you. You can learn a lot of historical and cultural knowledge. The scenery is also good. It is a good choice to calm down and have a look at the introduction. The soul has been baptized.

    작성일: 2018년8월19일
  • 李老非斯

    Everyone has the memory of youth. With the growth of age and experience, I always feel that when I was young, I was crazy and paranoid, ignorant and not familiar with the world. However, at the beginning of the twentieth century, a group of aspiring young people, with the ambition of saving the country and the people, organized and established the Xinmin Society with the purpose of "personal and human life upwards". Among them, Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen, Xiang Jingyu, Li Lisan, He Shuheng, Cai Chang, and a large number of early leaders and backbone of the Communist Party of China. It is a miracle in the history of Chinese revolution. As the saying goes, sweet-scented osmanthus in August, now is the first ten days of September in the lunar calendar, still full of laurel trees, fragrance overflowing. On this occasion, I came to visit the old site of Xinmin Society. This is the house rented by Cai Hesen's family in that year. It used to be a grave keeper. Because there was Zhou's ancestral grave on a slope, it was called Zhou Jiataizi. Young Mao Zedong and Cai Hesen are classmates and close friends. Mao Zedong lived here when he accompanied his mother to Changsha for treatment. It is located at the foot of Yuelu Mountain and on the West Bank of Changsha section of Xiangjiang River. It should have been a suburb in the past, but now it belongs to the main urban area of Changsha City. The old site is not very large. It is quiet and tidy, with camphor trees, laurel, loquat, crape myrtle, ginkgo, palm, azalea, vines, Moso bamboo, and corridors for visitors to rest. This is the most common house in the countryside of Hunan, which is not much on display. I was told that these exhibits were collected from local farmers. No wonder it was destroyed by fire in 1938 and was not rebuilt until 1984. In fact, visiting here is mainly to see the exhibition hall. Because the old photographs, photocopies and some text introductions in the exhibition hall can make you realize that nearly a hundred years ago, a group of young students had strong aspirations, and their dedication and sacrifices for the reform and change of China. I think this is also the significance of the visit. Visitors to the old site of Xinmin Society are free of charge with their ID cards. The visiting period is : Tuesday to Sunday 9: 00-17: 00, closed on Monday. The address is Zhoujiataizi, Zhoujiaxiang, Xinmin Road, Yuelu District, Changsha City. It is less than 300 meters from the north gate of Yuelu Mountain and about 600 meters from the West Bank of Xiangjiang River. Buses 63, 106, 109, 301, 317, 401, 902 and so on all have stops. Ctrip miswrote the address here as Liu Jiataizi, which should be corrected as : Zhou Jiataizi. 2016.10.11

    작성일: 2016년10월12일
  • 薇轩儿

    [풍경] 아름다움 [재미] 강한 [비용 효율적인]

    작성일: 2022년11월4일
  • 158***60

    개인적으로이 장소는 여전히 볼 가치가 있다고 생각합니다. 창사시 Yuelu 지구 Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area에 위치하고 있으며 5 개의 푸른 기와와 흰색 집과 몇 그루의 녹나무가 있습니다. 그러나 현대 중국에 대한 영향은 엄청납니다. 투어 30 분

    작성일: 2022년11월15일
  • M41***88

    빨간 여행을위한 좋은 장소, 티켓을 구입할 필요가 없습니다, 당신은 신분증을 가지고 들어갈 수 있습니다, 당신은 그것을 좋아할 수 있습니다.

    작성일: 2021년6월18일
  • 󠀀󠀀apologize

    위치는 매우 좋으며 🅿️ 자동차는 인근 지하실에 주차 할 수있어 매우 편리합니다!

    작성일: 2021년10월14일
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