
만주리타오와경구 리뷰

4.3 /52134건의 리뷰
Nine days through the fourth day of Hulunbuir, facing the dripping rain, we drove from the new Balhu right flag to the doll scenic spot. Because of the children, I arranged half a day here. Manzhouli doll square is the landmark tourist scenic spot of Manzhouli. The square embodies the regional characteristics of the border of Manzhouli, China, Russia and Mongolia and the characteristics of blending the three countries. The scenic spot is really a paradise for children. It seems like a fairy tale world. I bought a joint ticket for Guomen and Doll Scenic Spot from the internet. The entertainment facilities in the scenic spot are basically within the range of ticket sets. They are deeply loved by children, merry-go-round horses, bumping cars and pirate boats. It makes the children happy and happy," busy" All morning, the children are hungry, and the children choose the beauty of the scenic spot. Eat a street, here to taste the traditional beef noodles, but the price is small, overall evaluation is good. To be honest, the leaders of Manchuria really put a lot of effort into the development of economy, which is highly praised and worthy of recommendation. Finally, popularize the knowledge of Doll Set - "legend of Doll Set - "Legend of Doll Set - "Legend of Doll Set - "Legend of Russian nation has two cousins adjacent to each other, cousins grew up together in childhood, and then cousins left their homeland. Because of missing their cousins, they made wooden dolls every year, which is bigger than the dolls they made every year. Several years later, he returned to his hometown and gave the doll to his cousin. Later generations imitated the legendary doll set, also known as the auspicious doll. Another said - "In the old Russian countryside, Matryona and Matriosha were very common women's names. Scholars point out that these two names contain the Latin root "mater", meaning mother. Hearing this name, it is easy to associate with the image of a mother in a large peasant family, usually a strong and competent Russian woman who is slightly obese and has many children. And there are so many small dolls hidden in the belly of fat wooden dolls, so the set dolls naturally become the names of delicate carved and brightly colored wooden dolls.


작성일: 2018년8월7일
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    잊을 수없는 여행 경험, 만주리에서 가장 가치있는 곳, 아이들은 매우 행복합니다. 얼음과 눈 쇼, 불꽃 놀이 쇼는 매우 충격적입니다. 관광 시즌이 오면 너무 많은 사람들이있을뿐입니다. 모든 것을하기 위해 줄을서야합니다. 그러나 줄을서는 것도 가치가 있습니다.

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만주리타오와경구 관련 FAQ (자주하는질문)

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TripTraveler: 주소: Manzhouli, Hulun Buir, Inner Mongolia, China
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TripTraveler: 추천 명소 리스트: 만주리타오와경구,Manzhouli Museum,Manzhouli Xishan Botanical Garden,,Russia Art Museum
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TripTraveler: 만주리타오와경구 주변 추천 호텔 리스트: ,,마트료시카 테마 호텔,,
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TripTraveler: 추천 맛집 리스트: KOU AN TAO WA CAN TING,ZHAN LIN MA LA XIANG GUO,Taowajiudiankafeiyuan,,
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