
바이차오판 리뷰

4.5 /5130건의 리뷰
For the sake of a mountain top meadow, it's worth a special visit. It is suggested to take the G95 highway, so that the provincial road can be less, and the provincial road is too narrow. There is a ticket gate in the scenic spot, 45 tickets for each ticket, and 5 yuan for driving in. After driving in, there are two starting points for climbing. It doesn't matter to go there. Eventually, it's a road from the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Both starting points have ropeways up the hill, and the foot of the hill is still very hot. Both Cableways go to the middle of the mountain, one of which costs 90 yuan. After descending the ropeway, climb up a section, one of which is steeper. The mountain roads are well built, they are all flat steps, and there are some security guards at intervals. In the middle of the mountain, outdoor development facilities are being built, which is very large. From the middle of the mountain there is also a cable car to the top of the mountain, a single round trip of 110 yuan. The central part of the mountain is still relatively hot, but to the top of the mountain is really to another world, the temperature is extremely cool, the air is particularly fresh, the meadow is also very beautiful, the scenery is very different, we must come up. There are some shortcomings, such as the bathroom at the foot of the mountain can be better, why there are so many flies on the mountain, etc. It's worth it.


작성일: 2018년7월16일
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    백초산을 내려와 명승지를 나왔을 때 아들은 공중화장실 문에 책가방을 던졌습니다. 호텔에 주차할 때만 발견했습니다. 죽은 말을 살아있는 말 의사라는 정신으로 우리는 각각 연락을 취했고 Baicaopan B&B를 통해 명승지 매표소의 Liu라는 이름의 남자에게 연락했고 그날 밤 잃어버린 가방이 매표소로 보내졌다는 것을 확인했습니다. . 가방을 집어 들고 매표소에 보내주신 친절한 분들께 감사드립니다. 그 후, JD Express가 도달할 수 있는지 확인하기 위해 연락을 취했습니다. 수십 마일의 Panshan Road에 대해 생각해보십시오. JD의 발자취가 실제로 여기에 도달할 수 있습니다. 정말 좋습니다! 그리고 집에 돌아온 직후, 잃어버린 가방은 손실되어 회복되었습니다. 이것은 여행에서 잊을 수없는 멋진 에피소드입니다. 좋은 사람들 덕분에! 요컨대, 풍경은 아름답고 사람들은 더 아름답습니다!

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    구름 바다는 아름답고 장관입니다.

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