주요 정보주변 도시리뷰리워드 도전상세 정보


Observatoire Place Ville Marie
2건의 리뷰
234건의 리뷰
폐업 비즈니스가 재개되면 피드백을 스크린샷으로 찍을 수 있습니다.
추천 관광시간 :1-2시간
01 Pl. Monseigneur Charbonneau, Montreal, Quebec H3B 4S6 캐나다지도
전화번호+1 514-544-8884
리뷰 :

Ferris wheel here is the super landmark of the old city harbor area. Looking at the Ferris wheel reflected in the water from a distance, the scenery is beautiful. There are restaurants here to enjoy the quiet suburbs. In addition, you can also walk on a boat and swim in the river beside the old harbor.

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