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이양 호텔 후기

Guifeng Xiaolu Xianjuju
4.9/546개의 리뷰
What a lovely hotel and gorgeous compound! It used to a be a facility for breeding deer and has been converted to a homestay hotel with lots of care, love, attention to detail and quality. The pictures here on trip.com don't do it justice in real life. I actually thought, it would be one of those boutique hotels that just looks nice on pictures, but when you get there everything is a bit shabby. However, with this hotel I was pleasantly surprised - everything was of high quality, well maintained and kempt. The grounds are gorgeous and the pool was wonderful, the perfect finish to a day in the Guifeng mountains. I have been to a lot of mountains in China, like Huang Shan, Yandang Shan, Wuyi Shan etc. Even though Guifeng is small compared to other mountains, I was still captured by its beautiful scenery and happy that I chose this for a family trip. The service at the hotel was meticulous. The hotel staff are really nice and helpful, they pick you up anywhere in the scenic area. The food was also very delicious! Do take the evening meal there! They partly use their own produce for breakfast and dinner, so everything is fresh and very tasty. All in all, we had the most wonderful time there and loved every bit of this trip. It's the perfect getaway place for a relaxing weekend in nature.
이양 뤄페이 호텔
3.6/59개의 리뷰
호텔 근처에 버스 정류장이 있으며 교통이 매우 편리합니다. 근처에 먹을 곳도 있어서 식사하기 매우 편리합니다. 호텔 환경이 좋고 무료 WIFI 무선 인터넷이 제공됩니다.
이양 정홍 홈스테이 호텔
4.5/538개의 리뷰
훌륭한 가치, 예상보다 훨씬 낫습니다. 장식 표준이 상당히 높고 방이 깨끗하고 깔끔하며 장식이 매우 세심하고 숙박이 매우 편안합니다! 사장님과 아내는 매우 친절하고 호텔 음식도 맛있고 Guifeng Mountain과 매우 가깝습니다. 명승지 근처에서 최고의 홈스테이 호텔이어야합니다! 추천하다! 👍👍👍
난옌 쥐쯔 호텔(이양 정우 센터점)
4.3/5164개의 리뷰
這家四星級酒店給我留下了極為深刻的印象。從入住到退房,整個過程都讓我感到滿意和舒適。 首先,酒店的服務非常專業且周到。入住時,工作人員熱情地接待了我,並詳細介紹了酒店內的各種設施和服務。他們還主動幫我拿行李,並提供了許多有用的建議。在我住宿期間,工作人員總是能及時處理我的問題,並給出滿意的答覆。例如,當我忘記帶充電器時,酒店友善地為我解決了這個問題,充分滿足了我的需求。此外,酒店還安排了專門的叫車服務,讓我享受到了便捷的交通服務。 其次,酒店的硬件設施也相當出色。整個酒店以簡約的設計和典雅的裝飾為主調,充滿了時尚感和奢華感。客房寬敞明亮,窗外的城市景色盡收眼底,給人一種非常愉悦的感覺。酒店還充分利用了現代技術,配備了先進的設備,使得整個住宿期間非常舒適輕鬆1。 此外,酒店的餐飲服務也讓我印象深刻。我品嚐了酒店精心準備的美味大餐,宴客用餐令我流連忘返。精緻的桌具、味美的餐點以及優質的服務,猶如一場視覺盛宴,令人回味無窮2。 總的來説,這次入住體驗非常完美,無論是服務還是設施都達到了四星級的標準。我強烈推薦這家酒店給所有追求高品質住宿體驗的客人。
Fuyang Happy Courtyard Homestay
4.7/569개의 리뷰
我們在這裏住了兩晚,從弋陽火車站打車過來很方便。民宿老闆人挺好的,挺熱情的,做飯手藝也不錯,我們在這裏點菜吃了幾頓,味道都挺好的,想吃什麼,基本上老闆都能搞定。 位置也挺好,走個十分鐘左右就能到龜峯風景區,挺方便的。民宿還賣景區的優惠票,省了我們不少事兒。住宿條件比較乾淨,也挺安靜的,服務也挺周到的,有什麼需要的,老闆都會幫忙。總的來説,這次旅行挺滿意的。
Lulu Hotel
3.6/524개의 리뷰

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호텔 기본 정보

호텔 수105개
리뷰 수7,169개
요금 (높은 순)332,653원
요금 (낮은 순)12,041원
평균 요금(주중)58,504원
평균 요금(주말)59,888원