G'day fellow friends and travelers and Tripadvisor family, I am a Cabin Crew member of 18 years for one of Australia's leading airline. I have been living in hotels for more than half my life. I know what is a good hotel. I am also aware of what it takes to be a great hotel, as I have also had many bad experiences. Not because of the property itself but more so because of the staff. IT’S THE PEOPLE SKILLS OF THE STAFF THAT MAKE THE BRAND COME TO LIFE! YOU HAVE MASTERED THIS CONCEPT! I know what great service is and what it also takes to create memorable moments. WHY? Because I am a brand ambassador for my airline. I represent my airline not only to the people of my country but also to the entire WORLD…and I also do the same - with pride, integrity and people skills as an empath. I am a Customer Service Manager. I am also accountable for the Customer Journey Experience and Satisfaction of our guests, end-to-end onboard the aircraft. My Key Performance Indicator is the happiness of our guests and ensuring their journey is Safe and Memorable. I am also a mentor to my fellow crew members as their leader onboard the aircraft. We aim to promote our brand as the world's most experienced airline. We are all about creating exceptional/memorable journey experiences. We aim to have a high NET PROMOTER SCORE - 9 or 10 We want everyone to recommend our brand to their families, friends and colleagues, based on their experience with us. We have high standards and a very high benchmark. We have experience. We are Australia! And now…let me continue about my experience at KEYIF UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SINCE DECEMBER 2022 - KEYIF PENSION AND FARM STAY HOLIDAY HOMES - They are all about creating memorable experiences in a safe environment. We were always at ease. My partner of 18 years and I just want to express my wholehearted gratitude to the entire personnel of KEYIF PENSION for their care, love, commitment, understanding, support, value, integrity and exceptional service. They are genuine, friendly, and honorable. They represent the true spirit of Turkish Hospitality. We were held high on a pedestal from the moment we stepped foot onto their holiday village. The true spirit of Turkish Hospitality. We are not into luxury or showing off. We randomly, and in fact, spontaneously made a decision last-minute decision to come to Cirali for an overnight getaway during New Year's Eve and to celebrate our 17 years of partnership as well as celebrate 2023. My partner and I have suffered from anxiety and depression at various stages of our lives. Keyif has been the mental health heaven/retreat we needed at the right time. We were stuck in Antalya due to having cosmetic procedures for medical reasons and got tired of city life during our recovery period. However the energy in Antalya was very intense at the time and we needed to stop, revive and survive (Australians know this terminology well) Throughout our time in Turkey, due to personal circumstances beyond