터스컬루사 호텔 후기

홀리데이 인 익스프레스 터스컬루사-유니버시티
4.5/598개의 리뷰
First of all when I went in to check in, the girl at the front desk was very nice, but it has been years since I have actually had to fill out a hand written form to register for a room that I had a reservation for and also am a IHG member and my reservation had all that information on it when I made the reservation. Kind of seemed like it was not up to date with its system. I normally only have to show my ID. Anyway got thru that and our room was not finished being cleaned, so we had to wait a little while. Normally this would not be an issue, but my 86 year old Mother was with me and she was not feeling well. Again the girl at the front desk was very helpful in getting the room completed as quickly as possible. We had no problem with the room whatsoever! It was a great room. I believe they had just completed some renovation. The problem We did have was about an hour after we had been there someone was trying to get in the door. I thought maybe someone just had the wrong room. Before I could get to the door it opened and a female and male hotel staff member were at the door. They both looked alarmed, as I was. The female staff member said they thought no one was in the room and checking to make sure it was clean. They apologized and shut the door. About an hour later the same thing happened except it was two male hotel staff members. One was carrying a small laptop and the other had a piece of paper he was holding and said he was showing the room was vacant. I assured him the room was not vacant! He said have a nice stay and shut the door. This totally should have never happened the first time, but certainly not two times within a couple of hours. Again I am not sure if their system is outdated, not working, or what exactly the problem was, but that was totally unacceptable! I saw them doing that to other rooms as I was going in and out of my room, so I am sure we were not the only ones they busted in on. I hope it was not some of those young volleyball girls there for the tournament. It probably would’ve terrified them. Again, whatever the problem, it was unacceptable for that to have happened once much less twice. Other than that the hotel was fine.

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  • 트립닷컴 할인코드는 어떻게 받을 수 있나요?

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