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포로스타운 호텔 후기

제니아 포로스 이미지 호텔
4/563개의 리뷰
Not a 4 star hotel, more like 2. Pool area is small and no child end. Superior room was very basic, small bathroom and dated furniture. Bed was comfy, but not a double, 2 singles pushed together. No bar in the hotel or place to buy any basics. Private company runs a pitza restaurant and plays music to 1am to keep you up. No real service from hotel after breakfast, which was good. The view was good, but wouldn't return.

호텔 기본 정보

호텔 수27개
리뷰 수413개
요금 (높은 순)601,200원
요금 (낮은 순)7,872원
평균 요금(주중)175,986원
평균 요금(주말)148,142원