피닉스 호텔 후기

모텔 6 피닉스 노스 - 벨 로드
3/599개의 리뷰
디어 밸리
훌륭한 고객 서비스 !! 나는 여기에 자주 머물러 있지만 Motel 6은이 지역이나 일부 손님에 대해 많은 것을 할 수는 없지만 훌륭한 고객 서비스를 제공하고 도움을 제공하여 보상하려고 노력한다고 생각합니다. 좋은 직업!
모텔 6 피닉스 웨스트
3/5100개의 리뷰
After a nightmare unsafe experience another hotel, we hurriedly booked this under the logic ”there's a bunch of businesses around it so it's probably safe.” Wrong We showed up and it was actually deep in the back away from the road. We saw people loitering everywhere and a police car with lights on at the entry sitting there patrolling. All bad signs. We immediately left and called the Motel 6 customer service to cancel. We booked it not even 10 mins before but because it was ”after 6” they would charge a cancellation. A senior manager said they ”put it a request not to charge” us. As of right now, no charge.
Phoenix, AZ - Airport - 24th Street
2.9/5103개의 리뷰
피닉스 중심가
This was a pretty scary experience if I am being honest. My fiancé and I got stuck in Phoenix for a night due to flight cancellations, and needed a quick place to stay. We found this place online, it looked clean, was close to the airport and wasn't overly expensive, so we went for it. We got there, and it was ok for what we paid, and at this point we just wanted a bed. Looking around it was a tad unsettling, there were posters of missing kids on the glass and information regarding human trafficking all over the place, and they had some young girl working all alone in the dead of night. Already pretty on edge, tired, and stressed out we went to our assigned room. As we were falling asleep the people in the room next to us were being really loud, but we ignored it because it was late and we had to be up at 4am to catch our flight home. Around 3am there was loud banging and a lot of screaming, we again chose to stay quiet as we were in a new place and didn't really know what else to do. About 35 minutes later we were woken up by someone attempting to get into our room, and banging on our windows, it was extremely scary. My fiancé was going to go outside, but I didn't want to get involved or have something happened so we decided it was best to just get up and start packing to gtfo of here. In the next room there was some form of domestic dispute taking place (at least we think it was a couple, I am really not sure). There was things being thrown, a woman screaming that the other person in the room was hurting her, we heard doors being slammed, what sounded like glass being smashed.. it was terrifying. So we called the front desk, and asked for someone to either come and see what was happening to ensure everyone was ok or to call the police. The person on the other end of the phone told us she couldn't help us and if it was still happening in about 15 minutes to call the police. We were unable to connect with anyone. So we packed our things and left as quickly as we could. We got down to the front desk, and there was another family standing there so we waited, the girl at the desk asked us if we were checking out, we told her yes and we get that going. We then ask if she can call us a taxi, and she says no because the family ahead of us already has one coming and she cant have 2 come at once, so we will have to wait 15 minutes, have the cab pick this family up, and then come back to get us. So we decided to go with a lyft. I then pull the front desk girl aside and tell her that there was something very disturbing happening in the room next to us and someone should really go and make sure everyone in the room is ok, or call the police. She then removes her air pods (because apparently her music was way more important), and says ”What?”, so I repeat myself. and she goes ”oh yeah, someone from that room has been calling me a bunch, I guess I can go check it out”. This hotel stay was terrifying, and no one that worked there really seemed to care all
Motel 6-Phoenix, AZ - East
2.5/598개의 리뷰
카멜벡 이스트
몇번은 모텔 6번 다녀왔는데 고객만이 아닌 친구인 듯 존중하면서 이렇게 친절하게 도움을 받은 적은 없습니다. Nikki는 매우 도움이되고 친절한 프론트 데스크 사람입니다. 나는 그녀를 두 번 만났고 두 번째 방문에서 그녀가 처음 그녀를 보았을 때부터 나를 인식하고 여전히 같은 존경과 재미있는 태도로 우리를 대했습니다. 그녀는 우리의 체류가 좋았고 고객을 돌 보았습니다. 고마워, 니키! :)

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  • 트립닷컴 특가 호텔은 어떻게 확인하나요?

    트립닷컴은 일년 내내 다양한 호텔 특가와 프로모션을 제공합니다. 당사 특가 및 프로모션 페이지에서 다양한 할인 혜택을 만나보세요. 트립닷컴 회원이라면, 본인 계정에 로그인한 후 호텔 목록 페이지에서 독점 특가 요금을 확인해 보세요.

  • 트립닷컴 특가 호텔은 어떻게 확인하나요?

    트립닷컴은 일 년 내내 이용할 수 있는 다양한 호텔 특가와 프로모션을 제공합니다. 당사 특가 페이지에서 다양한 특전 혜택을 만나보세요. 마일리지 프로그램 회원이라면, 본인 계정에 로그인한 후 호텔 목록 페이지에서 독점 특가 요금을 확인하세요.

  • 호텔을 더욱 저렴하게 예약하는 방법은 무엇인가요?

    일반적으로 주중에 예약하면 더 저렴하며, 프로모션을 통해 저렴한 호텔 확인 및 할인을 받을 수도 있습니다.

  • 트립닷컴에는 몇 개의 호텔이 등록되어있나요?

    트립닷컴에서는 전 세계 230개 이상의 국가/지역에 위치한 500만 곳 이상의 호텔 예약을 지원하고 있습니다.

  • 트립닷컴에서 예약한 호텔의 취소 및 변경이 가능한가요?

    호텔 정책과 취소 날짜에 따라 가능여부가 다릅니다. 관련 호텔 페이지의 정책 섹션에서 확인해 주셔야하며, 예약하신 호텔을 취소하거나 변경하려면 트립닷컴 계정에 로그인한 다음 "My 예약"으로 이동해 표시되는 안내를 따라주세요.

  • 트립닷컴 고객센터로 연락하는 방법은 무엇인가요?

    트립닷컴은 연중무휴 24시간 지원하는 고객센터를 지원하고 있습니다. 트립닷컴 고객센터는 전화 및 채팅으로 연락할 수 있습니다.