I rarely write these reviews, for I really don't anyone staying in my favorite Hotels except for, well, me and mine and those that work there. But, again, sheer decency forces me to say, their doing a hellava job here in Pandemic Hoteleiry. The people here are fantastic, and when they say they are going to get the job done, you can bank on it. First I get the incomparable Gazmend on the Front Desk by phone at about Dawn, and he assures me that he will get me into a room as soon after my 9:00 AM arrival in New Haven, and when Gazment says it, it gets done: I was in my room by 11:30, after a very nice lunch at Pop's (suggested, of course, by....) Place some ten minute walk from the Hotel, where, of course, my luggage was guarded by,, I also must mention the ubiquitous and charming Ms. M of the morning's 6 - 10 breackfast cafe: Manager, Hostess, Server and gladsome smile in the early light. Ms. M's equal will only be found in Ric of Casablanca's Cafe Americaine, or, even, Beauty And The Beast's celebrated Luniere - she is the conductor who orchestrates your Breakfast Experience. Man, I hope New Haven proves the equal of the Hotel, for then it will be a great trip. From New Haven, this is Michael Pollens
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