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The Inn at Opryland, A Gaylord Hotel
3.9/599개의 리뷰
This was the most disappointing stay I have ever had with Marriott. To advertise this hotel as a Gaylord hotel would be consider fraud and extremely misleading to a customer. I have stayed at the Gaylord in Washington DC and Nashville, this hotel or should I say motel is not even close to a Gaylord standard or even the Marriott standard of hotels. The bathroom is smaller than a half bathroom. Our room is outside on the third floor, never have I stayed at a Marriott with outside rooms. When the air condition turns on it sounds as if it is moving the entire room. Wanted a drink in my room and the only cups were paper, not even a bottle of water in the room. Every Marriott hotel I stayed at had bottled water and real glasses. To be considered a Gaylord hotel and not provide these basic items, really!!!! When asked about checking out early to go to another property the manager, who is also working the front desk, told us we would be charged a full nights stay to check out early. I booked two rooms for our Easter break. Oh we can go to the real Gaylord across the street but the shuttle stops at 8pm Will never come here again and will never book a Gaylord hotel unless it is the actual Gaylord. Marriott please do better, and advertise your hotels appropriately.
게이로드 오프리랜드 리조트 & 컨벤션 센터
4.3/5108개의 리뷰
아름다운 리조트. 멋진 직원과 놀라운 크리스마스 활동. 우리의 한 가지 불만은 비용입니다. 방의 비용과 함께 그들은 특히 이 시기에 가족을 돕기 위해 다른 지역에서 보다 비용 효율적이어야 합니다. 하루에 45번의 주차는 극단적이고 음식 가격은 이 지역의 다른 대부분의 음식보다 45% 더 높은 가격에 책정되었습니다. 내 아내와 함께 그 놀라운 시간을 제외하고.

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    트립닷컴은 연중무휴 24시간 지원하는 고객센터를 지원하고 있습니다. 트립닷컴 고객센터는 전화 및 채팅으로 연락할 수 있습니다.