미시소거 호텔 후기

Holiday Inn & Suites Mississauga West - Meadowvale
3.6/5103개의 리뷰
2022 년 7 월에 4 박을 묵었습니다. 좋은 가격, 가족 휴가를위한 훌륭한 위치. 시내를 쉽게하거나 해밀턴 나이아가라로 향합니다. 객실은 깨끗하고 편안합니다. 깨끗한 수영장과 온수 욕조. 친절한 직원. 우리는 돌아올 것이다. 아침 식사는 포함되어 있지 않지만 티미는 멀지 않습니다.
홀리데이 인 토론토 에어포트 웨스트
3.9/5134개의 리뷰
On April 23rd, 2022, my partner and I arrived at the Holiday Inn – Mississauga/Toronto West – 100 Brittania Rd East. We came to the hotel at 1pm for early check in thinking that the pool was open (as per the call agent who took my reservation), only to find out that the pool was not open, and it was “closed for maintenance”. This was not disclosed earlier when I booked the reservation, there was no mention of the pool being closed. I was very excited to use the pool as it was my birthday weekend, and it was my plan to use this amenity as soon as I arrived. I asked for them to amend the reservation to a cheaper price, however they said that the reservation had already been amended to include the new price (without a functioning pool). Regardless, my partner and I arrived to our room (Room 211) and after using the toilet, we find out that the toilet does not work. I called the front desk to notify them of this, and we agreed to switch rooms. We received a new room (Room 212), directly across from our previous room, and to no surprise, this toilet did not work either. The entire ordeal was discussed with the front desk and I asked if we should move hotels as they did not have any functioning toilets. The front desk clerk stated that “this was very unusual” and that they will have someone come look at it right away. While the custodian was fixing the toilet in the new room (Room 212), my partner had realized that he left his vape pen in the first room (211). He asked the housekeeper if he could go into the room to retrieve it, the lady said they did not find anything in the room we just left (this all happened within 30 minutes of leaving the first room). Altogether, the toilet was poorly fixed, as the same issue kept happening all night in room 212. Later on that night, we were told that the 2nd floor had recently been renovated, as there were pencil marks still on the walls. Futhermore, around 3pm that day, I decided to take a shower. As I got out of the shower, I dried myself with a towel, only to find it was stained with someone else’s makeup (what looked like eyeliner from both eyes). *See pictures below* It was clear that the towel was not cleaned and bleached properly as the make up had been stained onto the white towel (GROSS). We decided there was no point of addressing this with the front desk (as the lady was also disgruntled over the phone) and we just decided to go on with the night and make a mental note to never come back to the holiday Inn EVER AGAIN! But wait… IT GETS BETTER!!! On Sunday, April 24th, the next morning, as we were cleaning up to check out of the hotel, we went to check on our friends in various other rooms. At approximately 10:50am, my friends and I were all in the elevator going to meet up in my room (Room 212) only to find out that our key cards were no longer working. We went to the lobby, completely disoriented, and asked why our key cards weren’t working anymore. The lady at the front desk, a young Indian lady (sh

FAQ (자주하는질문)

  • 트립닷컴 할인코드는 어떻게 받을 수 있나요?

    트립닷컴 이용이 처음인 신입회원은 트립닷컴 할인코드 페이지를 통해 트립닷컴 할인코드를 발급받아 사용할 수 있습니다. 트립닷컴 회원에게는 트립닷컴에서 상품예약, 트립 모먼트 포스팅을 통해 추후 예약할 때 할인 받을 수 있는 트립코인이 주어집니다.

  • 트립닷컴 특가 호텔은 어떻게 확인하나요?

    트립닷컴은 일년 내내 다양한 호텔 특가와 프로모션을 제공합니다. 당사 특가 및 프로모션 페이지에서 다양한 할인 혜택을 만나보세요. 트립닷컴 회원이라면, 본인 계정에 로그인한 후 호텔 목록 페이지에서 독점 특가 요금을 확인해 보세요.

  • 트립닷컴 특가 호텔은 어떻게 확인하나요?

    트립닷컴은 일 년 내내 이용할 수 있는 다양한 호텔 특가와 프로모션을 제공합니다. 당사 특가 페이지에서 다양한 특전 혜택을 만나보세요. 마일리지 프로그램 회원이라면, 본인 계정에 로그인한 후 호텔 목록 페이지에서 독점 특가 요금을 확인하세요.

  • 호텔을 더욱 저렴하게 예약하는 방법은 무엇인가요?

    일반적으로 주중에 예약하면 더 저렴하며, 프로모션을 통해 저렴한 호텔 확인 및 할인을 받을 수도 있습니다.

  • 트립닷컴에는 몇 개의 호텔이 등록되어있나요?

    트립닷컴에서는 전 세계 230개 이상의 국가/지역에 위치한 500만 곳 이상의 호텔 예약을 지원하고 있습니다.

  • 트립닷컴에서 예약한 호텔의 취소 및 변경이 가능한가요?

    호텔 정책과 취소 날짜에 따라 가능여부가 다릅니다. 관련 호텔 페이지의 정책 섹션에서 확인해 주셔야하며, 예약하신 호텔을 취소하거나 변경하려면 트립닷컴 계정에 로그인한 다음 "My 예약"으로 이동해 표시되는 안내를 따라주세요.

  • 트립닷컴 고객센터로 연락하는 방법은 무엇인가요?

    트립닷컴은 연중무휴 24시간 지원하는 고객센터를 지원하고 있습니다. 트립닷컴 고객센터는 전화 및 채팅으로 연락할 수 있습니다.