The Morgana Poblado Suites Hotel's receptionist, Anderson, gives the property a very negative first impression, it was rude and unwelcoming, he didn't greet us. When I approached the reception desk and was asked for our passports by a young lady. They both became immigration inspectors going through the passport. Apparently they were looking for my arrival stamp. I was asked to find it, they weren't going to allow me to stay. When I found the immigration stamp they were looking for, I was asked about employment and what my position was. Anderson was shouting out the questions in front of everyone. Feeling very uncomfortable I went towards and spoke at a normal volume. Also, instead of asking for a credit card he immediately charged the credit card for the number of days I'm staying. What's customary is to give the card number and pay at the end guest's stay. After that ordeal, our room was assigned and we went to Rm. 308. From the moment we entered the room the smell of urine was unbearable, disgusting. I called reception, Anderson, and explained. After 20 minutes waiting a hotel employee shows up and had the audacity to ask us if we had consumed anything from the Mini-Bar, we had not even closed the door because of the foul odor. The positive was that the second room given had the two single beds we had originally requested, the other had one King size bed. The other hotel staff were lovely, during breakfast service they treated guests extremely well. I hope no one goes through what we went through. I will never stay or recommend this property to anyone. El recepcionista del Morgana Poblado Suites Hotel, Anderson, le da una primera impresión muy negativa a la propiedad, fue grosero y poco acogedor, no nos saludó. Cuando me acerqué al mostrador de recepción una joven nos pidió nuestros pasaportes. Ambos, Anderson y la joiven, se convirtieron en inspectores de imigracion revisando el pasaporte. Aparentemente estaban buscando mi sello de llegada. Me pidieron que lo encontrara, no me iban a dejar quedarme. Cuando encontré el sello de inmigración que buscaban, me preguntaron sobre mi empleo y cuál era mi titulo. Anderson estaba gritando las preguntas frente a todos. Sintiéndome muy incómodo me acerqué y hablé a un volumen normal. Además, en lugar de pedir una tarjeta de crédito, inmediatamente cargó la tarjeta de crédito por la cantidad de días que me quedé. Lo habitual es dar el número de tarjeta y pagar al final de la estancia del huésped. Después de esa terrible experiencia, nuestra habitación fue asignada y fuimos a la 308. Desde el momento en que entramos en la habitación el olor a orina era insoportable, repugnante. Llamé a la recepción y le expliqué. Después de 20 minutos de espera aparece un empleado del hotel que tuvo la osadía de preguntarnos si habíamos consumido algo del Mini-Bar, ni siquiera habíamos cerrado la puerta por el mal olor. Lo positivo fue que la segunda habitación tenía las dos camas individuales que habíamos solicitado ori
109개의 리뷰