Situated ideally between Areopolis, a picturesque village at the western side of the central Peloponnesian "leg" and Limeni, the wonderful historic fishing village, Bassa Maina blends with the environment. The villas and the main building are made of stone and their roofs are constructed according to the traditional customs of Mani of the yesteryears. Elevation is around 140 metres. There are 9 villas, each configurated differently, but with the same level of finishing quality and class. The view from their balconies is breathtaking, providing 180 degree vision. All shades of blue is an understatement. The sea, from cyan near the coast, to deep blue where they meet with the sky. The "deafening sound" of silence is broken only by the remote melodic and rythmic echo of a distant fishing boat or a "fast and furious" speed boat battling the waves when the sea is rough or just surfing during calm waters. Some villas offer private jacuzzis correctly set at 35C and carefully cleaned and sanitized. It's the perfect soothing relaxation overlooking the sea and the sunset. Internet is steady and covers the whole property. The swimming pool is nicely situated next to the bar and breakfast area. At 4mX10m and 1,5m deep it's perfect for cooling down and enjoying a refreshing swim if someone doesn't want to drive to nearby Limeni 5' away. All the staff is very polite, eager to assist, friendly, yet discrete. Anastasia, the young, natural red haired, charming assistant to the General Manager and Owner, Eleni K, will welcome, meet and assist you. Dinner was lovely, just after the sunset with the villas and the main building being illuminated and engulfed by a warm appealing light. The background music was carefully chosen and the volume was correctly set to be enjoyed trully in the background. All guests seem to respect the serenity offered and they keep their conversations at "low decibels" I strongly recommend the complex and I am looking forward to spending more days next year.