화이트 코너(Whites Corner)
객실당 인원 수
객실 1개, 성인 2명, 어린이 0명
보스웰 모든 숙소

화이트 코너(Whites Corner)

20 Alexander St, 7030 보스웰, 태즈메이니아, 호주
지도에서 호텔보기
화이트 코너에서는 바쁜 일정 후 휴식시간을 보낼 수 있는 편안한 객실이 마련되어 있습니다. 화이트 코너 객실은 여행객과 비즈니스 출장객 모두에게 보스웰에서 편안하게 지낼 수 있는 공간입니다. 더 보기
트립닷컴 가격 보장제
hotel overview picture
Whites Corner
Whites Corner
Whites Corner
Whites Corner
Whites Corner
Whites Corner
3.8/5청결도: 3.8
전체 5개 리뷰
호텔 시설
전용 주차장무료
모든 시설
호텔주변 추천명소
랜드마크: Australian Golfing Museum
랜드마크: Ratho Farm Golf
랜드마크: The Pub With No Beer


투숙객 리뷰

호텔 정책

시설 & 서비스

코티지 (1837)

코티지 (1837)

더블침대 1개 및 소파 침대 1개 및 퀸침대 1개
개인 욕실
객실 정보
예약가능여부 확인
The Storekeepers House (1850)

The Storekeepers House (1850)

싱글베드 8개
개인 욕실
객실 정보
예약가능여부 확인

투숙객 리뷰(5)

검증된 리뷰
  • 청결도3.8
  • 시설3.8
  • 위치3.8
  • 서비스3.8

지금 호텔을 예약하고 체크아웃 후 리뷰 작성 시, 120 트립코인이 적립됩니다. (약 US$ 1.20) 적립된 트립코인은 다음 호텔 예약 시, 즉시 할인적용이 가능합니다.

2023년 8월 1일
Not ******* lol. I will be honest i went here thinking for sure we would get some sort of spiritual presence but the was nothing. Bathroom tap needs to be changed its not practical. House is super quiet! Front room door when closed ceases and we struggled to open it and get out. Very comfortable in winter but you would freeze if the power went out. Had cute rabbits in the back yard. Loved the old buildings. Clean and felt homely. Was a great experience to stay and explore. There was a beer left in the frige and milk supplied was covered in dust lol. We only stayed for one night
2024년 3월 12일
Loved the old world charm and ambiance
2023년 1월 31일
The 1836 cottage is extremely dilapidated, which considering its historical significance to Bothwell, is very sad. (Also inexcusable considering the rates being asked per night. Honestly, give it the TLC it deserves! On arrival, it was apparent the cottage had not been vacuumed or properly cleaned. There was traces of food in the sink, toast crumbs on the couch and a layer of dust on every surface. The rug in the lounge is a disgrace and should really be swapped. There was also a strong smell of cooking grease throughout the cottage, which considering the lack of attention given to the cleanliness of the kitchen (or anything else) is not surprising. The heat pump is difficult to use and I can understand why other guests have had such issues with it. I also feel it might be faulty and could use attention, as can everything within the cottage. Like the toilet seat which is broken, as it was on my previous visit a year ago… I love Bothwell and its history, but staying in the cottage is just sad and dampened the trip considerably. I can’t believe it’s being allowed to fall into such disrepair. If you’re going to advertise the cottage using the history it possesses, start doing something more than just hanging a view historical photos on the wall. John White would not be impressed.
2023년 1월 31일
We stayed in the 1837 cottage on the 6 & 7 April 2022. Upon arriving we were shocked at the external appearance of the cottage. It was very dilapidated and well past requiring maintenance. The reception is a safe key arrangement but upon opening the safe there was no key so we had to call the owner. He was apologetic and put the blame on the cleaner. Inside was a bit better than the outside but in no way up to the standard of a 4 star accommodation as listed on the website. It was very apparent that the place had not been cleaned. Listed below are some of the many items that needed attention. 1. The oven and cook top still had food residue on them from previous visitors. 2. The fridge had two cracked eggs still in the door that were leaking and both the freezer and the fridge compartment had not been cleaned. There was an old bag of opened ice still in the freezer. 3. The microwave was perched on an angle on top of a very rickety 5 tier stand. Totally unsafe to use. 4. The toilet seat was broken (This same comment appeared in previous reviews over a period of a year when we checked later). 5. The tap over the sink was just too futuristic and totally impractical to use. 6. There was no soap holder in the shower, only evidence of what was left of it. 7. The place was very cold inside as was to be expected but the AC would not heat. There were two portable heaters that both struggled, one of which smelt like it was about to catch fire so we turned them off. 8. There was no evidence that any form of dusting or vacuuming had been done. After a long day driving we were excited to reach here and expected to be able to relax but instead we were just so upset that we just went to bed. The bed in the front room was the only item in this place that was warm and comfortable. As we lay there reading trying to calm down a black creature flew in. At first we thought it was a large moth, then a small bird. When it landed it turned out to be a Micro Bat. I was hysterical as it flew around the room. My husband tried to get it out but it soon flew out through one of the many holes in the wall. I moved into the other room and slept in there for both nights. The bat returned again on the second night. On the morning of our departure my husband went across the road to the local Council Chambers to find out who was the best person to email a complaint to about the sub standards of this accommodation. We will be lodging a formal complaint with both the relevant council department and Fair Trading as the presentation on their website does not live up to what you experience on arrival. We have documented the above with photos as well. We paid $180 per night and feel very ripped off.
2023년 1월 31일
We stayed in the 1837 Cottage for one night. Firstly, Bothwell is a lovely, quaint historic town to explore and experience. Secondly, the accommodation is interestingly restored, appointed and furnished. Generally very well done and a wonderful experience was had, especially the quality of the bedding. Thirdly, I would recommend a meal at the local pub just down the road. NOTE: The booking in procedure was a bit of a mix-up. On arrival there is supposed to be an envelope awaiting you with instructions for the key-safe. However after a couple of anxious phone calls, we were given a code by phone. Hmmmm ... I'll let you make your own mind up about the ZANY bathroom tap.

숙소 규정

체크인 & 체크아웃 시간
체크인: 14:00~22:00
체크아웃: 10:00 이전

셀프 체크인: 카드/키 수령 방법은 숙소로 문의해 주세요

체크인을 위해 숙소에 1일 전에 미리 연락해 주세요

어린이 정책
모든 연령의 어린이 투숙 가능 호텔입니다.
만 0~3세 사이의 어린이는 침대를 추가하지 않는 경우에 한해 무료 투숙이 가능합니다.

유아용 침대 및 엑스트라 베드
객실 유형에 따라 침대 추가 및 유아용 침대 추가 정책이 다를 수 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 객실 유형 정보를 참조하세요.

더 보기

숙소 정보

  • 객실 수: 2
화이트 코너에서는 바쁜 일정 후 휴식시간을 보낼 수 있는 편안한 객실이 마련되어 있습니다. 화이트 코너 객실은 여행객과 비즈니스 출장객 모두에게 보스웰에서 편안하게 지낼 수 있는 공간입니다.

호텔 주변에는 Ratho Farm Golf, Australian Golfing Museum, Australasian Golf Museum 등 보스웰 인기 관광지들이 많습니다.

여가시간에는 호텔의 다양한 여가시설로 알찬 시간을 보내실 수 있습니다. 호텔의 주차 공간을 이용할 수 있습니다.

시설 & 서비스

시설 외에서 전용 주차장 이용 가능. 예약 불필요.
지원 가능 언어
공용 공간
청소 서비스

FAQ (자주하는질문)

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화이트 코너 숙박 요금은 예약 날짜, 호텔 정책 및 기타 예약 조건에 따라 상이합니다. 정확한 금액은 호텔 검색 시, 예약하고자 하는 날짜를 선택한 후 확인하세요.

화이트 코너에 온천이 있나요?

화이트 코너에는 온천 시설이 없습니다.

화이트 코너의 체크인 및 체크아웃 시간은 언제인가요?

체크인 시간은 14:00 이후, 체크아웃 시간은 10:00 이전입니다.

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화이트 코너에는 수영장이 없습니다.

화이트 코너에서 Wi-Fi를 사용할 수 있나요?

Wi-Fi 이용 정보는 호텔 페이지의 '시설&서비스' 목록에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

화이트 코너에 레스토랑이 있나요?

화이트 코너에는 레스토랑이 없습니다.

화이트 코너에 어린이 시설이 있나요?

화이트 코너에는 어린이 시설이 없습니다.

화이트 코너에 주차가 가능한가요?

화이트 코너의 주차 시설을 이용할 수 있습니다.

화이트 코너에는 이용가능한 시설 & 서비스로 무엇이 있나요?

화이트 코너 시설 & 서비스 정보: 주차시설

화이트 코너에 피트니스 시설이 있나요?

화이트 코너에는 피트니스 시설이 없습니다.

숙소 관련 정보

평균 최저가USD177
호텔 성급4