센시티브 프리미엄 리조트 & 스파

센시티브 프리미엄 리조트 & 스파 후기

센시티브 프리미엄 리조트 & 스파

Alparslan Cd No: 23/1, 07552 Bogazak, 튀르키예호텔정보 보기
센시티브 프리미엄 리조트 & 스파
센시티브 프리미엄 리조트 & 스파센시티브 프리미엄 리조트 & 스파센시티브 프리미엄 리조트 & 스파
여행 날짜에 예약 가능한 객실이 있는지 확인해 보세요!
트립닷컴 가격 보장제

센시티브 프리미엄 리조트 & 스파 리뷰

리뷰 51개
실제 투숙객 리뷰
검색 조건:
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모든 리뷰(51)
높은 평점 리뷰(15)
사진/동영상 리뷰(13)
평점 낮은 리뷰(27)
투숙일: 2022년 4월
리뷰 2개
아주 좋음
작성일: 2022년5월8일
가격으로 별 4개.
원문 보기Google로 번역됨
People around the Globe.
투숙일: 2024년 10월
친구와 여행
리뷰 3개
아주 좋음
작성일: 2024년11월18일
Good Hotel for a small getaway
투숙일: 2022년 9월
친구와 여행
강력 추천
작성일: 2022년10월4일
내가 읽은 나쁜 리뷰를 믿을 수 없습니다! 호텔 입구와 출구에 물건과 보안을 보관할 수있는 금고가 있습니다.이 호텔은 100 % 놀라운 직원입니다. 깨끗한 객실은 매일 청소되고 미니 냉장고는 직원이 친절하고 항상 노력하고 있습니다. 최고의 휴가를 보낼 수 있도록 엔터테인먼트 그룹은 항상 수영장 게임 물 체육관 다트 및 모든 종류의 재미있는 게임을 하고 있는지 확인합니다! 음식은 사랑스럽다! 해변 바에는 손으로 만든 사랑스러운 평평한 빵이 있으며 셔틀 버스는 호텔에서 해변까지 5분이 소요되며 해변에서도 Wi-Fi가 작동합니다. 수영장 주변에는 2개의 스낵 바가 있습니다. 하나는 샐러드와 재킷 감자를 일찍 제공합니다. 다른 하나는 3-5에 열고 햄버거 칩 너겟과 샐러드도 아이스크림 3-5에 제공합니다. 정말 이 호텔을 탓할 수 없습니다. 우리가 이것을 몇 번하고 상점에 갔고 저녁 식사를 위해 나는 100 % 돌아올 것이고 누구에게나 강력히 추천 할 것입니다! 나는 떠나고 싶지 않았다! 😍😍❤️❤️😊😊😊
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투숙일: 2022년 8월
작성일: 2022년9월21일
이 호텔은 당신이 머물 수 있는 최악의 호텔이며 당신의 영어가 당신에게 무례하기 때문에 예약을 귀찮게 하지 않는다면. 3박 후에 다른 호텔을 예약해야 했습니다. 문에 보안 장치가 없어 안전하지 않아 누구나 '5성급' 리조트에 들어갈 수 있습니다. 새벽 2시 3분에 방 문을 두드리고 소리를 지르는 사람 등 이상한 이상한 분위기는 추천하지 않습니다!!!! 🤢 하나에 참여하도록 요청받은 것처럼 난교를 즐기는 ppl에게만 추천합니다 :))))))
원문 보기Google로 번역됨
투숙일: 2022년 8월
작성일: 2022년9월2일
지금 영국에서는 첵인투아웃박(chek in 2 out bak)으로 인한 악몽 같은 휴가를 보내고 있으며 여전히 식중독으로 고통 받고 있습니다. 나는 무료라도 tbis 호텔에 머물지 않을 것입니다. 도착했을 때 방에 침대가 2개밖에 없었고 우리 중 4명이 있었을 때 인사가 없었습니다. 마침내 남자는 당신을 위해 다른 침대를 짜낼 것이라고 말했습니다. 침대는 작았고 당신이 굴릴 때마다 옮겨졌지만 제 5살 어린이에게는 안전하지 않았습니다. 신경 쓰지 않았습니다. 음식 때문에 병이 난 후 휴가 때 우리와 함께 있던 내 형제가 호텔 간호사와 함께 나를 만나러 왔는데, 그는 나중에 그가 무엇을 하는지 전혀 몰랐고 우리는 경비원 복장을 한 간호사라고 생각했던 사람이 누구인지 보았습니다. 사기꾼은 우리에게 신고 비용을 지불하라고 요구하고 결국 그들이 한 일을 2시간도 안 돼서 확인하고 그들이 말한 방을 치우고 내 아이들이 너무 겁이 나서 우리가 해야 한다는 것을 알았을 때 불쾌해졌습니다. 호텔 음식 때문에 병에 걸리는 사람이 거의 없다는 사실에 대해 우리 회사에 연락하세요. 직원들은 너무 피곤해서 신경 쓰지 않습니다. 청소부들은 자신의 일에 대해 전혀 자부심을 갖고 있지 않습니다. 5성급과는 거리가 먼 음식은 아이들을 위한 오락이 전혀 반복되지 않습니다. 내 형제는 직원들과 문제가 너무 많았고 그가 원했던 것은 딸의 2번째 생일을 축하하는 것뿐이었지만 직원은 없었고 그 호텔은 그런 일이 일어나지 않도록 했습니다. 우리가 겪은 일을 아무도 경험하지 않기를 바랍니다. 영국으로 무사히 돌아올 수 있었던 최고의 기분이었죠. 우리 아이들은 너무 겁에 질려서 그들을 위해 용감히 견뎌야 했습니다. 그것은 정말 최악의 휴가였습니다.
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투숙일: 2022년 7월
작성일: 2022년8월29일
나는 많은 5 성급 호텔에 갔고 내가 필요하지 않은 경우이 호텔에 소박하게 제공하지도 않을 것입니다. 너무 잘 운영되지 않고 레스토랑 직원이 일했습니다. 내가 그들에게 초콜릿을 바르는 유아가 있었지만 청소 직원은 시트를 바꾸지 않았습니다. 그들은 더러운 시트에 눈을 돌리기로 결정했습니다. 나는 그들을 지적해야했고 그들은 단지 기본적 인 경우에도 추가로 수행하도록 요청한 것처럼 헐떡 거리고 부풀어 올랐습니다. 내가 만난 가장 도움이되지 않고 무례한 리셉션 직원. 침실 청소상태가 흠집이 날 정도는 아니었습니다. 깨진 사이드램프가 몇 번이고 고쳐달라고 해도 금고가 작동하지 않아서 귀중품을 다 들고 다녀야 했습니다. 나는 그들에게 나의 유아를 위해 약간의 음식을 데우라고 요청했고 나는 그들이 여기서 그것을 하지 않고 이것이 항아리 음식이기 때문에 가능한 음식을 먹으라고 들었습니다. 결국 여러 직원에게 요청한 후 그 중 한 명이 나를 위해 해주었습니다. 식중독에 걸려서 휴가를 망쳤고 소독제와 방향제를 구할 수 있는지 물었을 때 이 제품은 무료가 아니기 때문에 추가 비용을 지불해야 한다고 말했습니다. 전반적으로 곧 잊지 못할 끔찍한 경험입니다.
원문 보기Google로 번역됨
투숙일: 2022년 7월
작성일: 2022년8월28일
내가 경험한 최악의 휴가는 풍족한 사람에게서 온 것입니다. 내 딸의 두 번째 생일이었기 때문에 케이크 값으로 25유로를 지불해야 했습니다. 그 돈을 바로 그들에게 지불했고, 며칠 후에 케이크 2개를 샀고 25유로를 더 지불해야 한다는 말을 들었습니다. 리셉션. 나는 그녀에게 이미 비용을 지불했다고 설명했습니다. 그런 다음 그들은 계속해서 제가 돈을 지불하지 않으면 우리 가족을 호텔에서 쫓아낼 것이라고 위협했습니다. 우리에게 남은 시간은 4일이었습니다. 우리는 성인 4명과 어린이 3명이었습니다. 다른 호텔에 갈 돈이 없었기 때문에 그 비용을 지불해야 한다는 괴롭힘을 받았습니다. 우리 가족 모두 식중독에 걸렸는데, 시누이와 딸의 경우 식중독이 정말 심했어요. 고작 2살인 제 딸은 정말 엄했습니다. 매니저에게 이름이 Mehmet Ali Namdar인 것 같다고 알렸는데, 그는 저에게 너무 무례했고 걱정하지 않는 것 같았습니다. 그는 내 가족이 식중독에 걸렸다는 거짓말을 하고 있으며 종종 사람들이 호텔에서 공짜를 얻기 위해 이런 일을 한다고 말했습니다. 호텔에 묵고 있는 또 다른 가족은 모두 구토와 설사에 대한 동일한 경험을 우리에게 공유했고 그들은 Mehmet에게 말했지만 그 역시 신경 쓰지 않는 것 같았습니다. 결국 내가 그에게 간청한 후 그는 의사가 왔을 때 의사를 내 방으로 보내기로 동의했고 그는 간호사였으며 Mehmet이 그에게 말했듯이 그의 직업을 위험에 빠뜨릴 수 있기 때문에 식중독이라고 말하는 것이 허용되지 않는다고 말했습니다. 호텔에 책임을 물을 만한 어떤 말도 하지 마십시오. 그는 그것을 햇빛에 노출시키라는 말을 들었습니다. 나는 우리 가족이 햇빛에 많이 노출되지 않으며 수분을 유지하고 있다고 설명했습니다. 그는 자신이 제공할 수 있는 유일한 조언은 계속해서 수분을 섭취하는 것이었고, 그렇게 하면 자신의 직업이 위험해질 수 있으므로 우리를 위해 더 이상 해줄 수 없다고 말했습니다. 그 후 메멧과 통화를 했더니 예의상 오후 3시에 체크아웃해도 된다고 하더군요. 딸들의 상태가 악화되자 여행사인 Travel Republic에 이메일을 보내 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 알렸습니다. 마지막 날 8월 27일에 리셉션에서 아래층으로 내려오라는 전화를 받았습니다. 그들은 불만을 제기하고 즉시 방을 나가라고 말했습니다. 에이전트에게 이메일을 보내 모든 것이 정리되었다고 말하면 늦게 체크아웃할 수 있다는 거래를 하더군요. 그렇게 하라고 협박을 받았을 때 매니저가 그의 방에서 나왔고 그의 이름은 Mutlu Oguz였습니다. 그는 나에게 소리치며 방을 정리하는 데 5분 밖에 남지 않았으며 그렇지 않으면 물리력을 사용하여 제거해야 한다고 말했습니다. 당신 방에서 우리 가족은 그의 목소리 톤에 위협을 받았고 아이들은 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 몰랐기 때문에 울기 시작했습니다. 나는 이 호텔을 누구에게도 추천하지 않을 것입니다. 특히 그들이 제공하는 서비스에 대해 나는 이 호텔이 사람들의 삶을 가지고 놀 때 문을 닫아야 하는 5성급 호텔이라고 결코 말하지 않을 것입니다. 그들은 보살핌의 의무가 있습니다. 우리는 딸의 두 번째 생일을 축하하기 위해 오랫동안 이 여행을 계획해 왔고 그것은 살아있는 악몽으로 변했습니다.
원문 보기Google로 번역됨
투숙일: 2024년 10월
작성일: 2024년11월24일
The hotel had alot of potential to be great..but unfortunately this wasn't the case.. I have to point out being in November it was winter.. but the hotel was open and the weather was still in the 30s. The pool was not just closed but 1/4 full of dark dirty looking water..which attracted flies..also the outdoor eating areas which I assume are open in the summer now served as shelter for cats and kittens..and had been using as a toilet too.. the shuttle bus wasn't running which didn't bother us as the beach was a short walk but for others less able there is very little close by and taxis we were told to be about 80 pounds to the next town for shopping. Also because other food places and bars within the hotel being closed meant long queues at the bar and restaurant..which as with other all inclusive was repetitive. We arrived and our room was really smelly as above the kitchen..and all night dogs barking nearby and Cockerells from 4am then call to prayer. We asked to be moved and did get a much quieter and fresh smelling room so got a much better sleep. I think the pool closures and less bars etc available should be added in the description as we did expect a 4 star hotel. We wouldn't go back..some of the staff were lovely..and the lobby looked stunning.. maybe should have stairs as the lifts were few and always busy.
숙소 답변: Dear Leonas676, First of all, thank you for sharing your experience at our hotel. Guest feedback is extremely important to us as it helps us improve our services. We are genuinely sorry to hear that your stay at Sensitive Premium Resort & Spa did not meet your expectations. We appreciate your positive remarks, especially regarding the helpfulness of our staff and the elegant design of our lobby. However, we feel it is necessary to address some of the concerns you mentioned. It appears that the application of our winter concept during your stay, combined with your expectations being aligned with a summer concept, led to some disappointment. Please note that our winter concept details should have been clearly communicated by your travel agency during the booking process, and this situation is not directly related to our hotel. The absence of our shuttle bus service is part of the winter concept. However, our location offers convenient access within walking distance to various points of interest. For instance, there are shopping facilities approximately a 15-minute walk away, and public buses to Antalya, Kadriye, and Belek pass directly in front of the hotel. Taxi fares depend on the destinations chosen by guests. We understand that our pools being closed for maintenance as part of the winter concept may have caused some inconvenience. Additionally, weather conditions can naturally impact the appearance of outdoor areas, which is a normal occurrence. All food and beverage services provided during your stay adhered to the standards of our winter concept. Our main restaurant offers breakfast, late breakfast, lunch, and dinner at designated times, while our patisserie serves a variety of desserts and snacks throughout the day. We appreciate your comments regarding food variety and will consider them for future improvements. Regarding the presence of cats, this is occasionally observed due to the natural surroundings of the hotel. Nevertheless, we maintain strict hygiene standards and take necessary measures to ensure a clean and comfortable environment. We also appreciate your feedback regarding room comfort. We are glad to have promptly resolved your room change request, ensuring a more pleasant stay. Guest satisfaction is always a top priority for us, and we are dedicated to addressing any concerns swiftly. Your review does not fully reflect the services and amenities included in our winter concept. We would be delighted to welcome you back during our summer concept, where you can enjoy open pools, various bars, and a selection of à la carte restaurants, ensuring a more enjoyable holiday experience. We look forward to the opportunity to provide you with an enhanced stay in the future. Kind regards, Yazgül Beğenmiş Guest Relations Manager
투숙일: 2024년 10월
작성일: 2024년11월23일
We recently stayed at Sensitive Premium Resort and Spa in Antalya, and unfortunately, our experience was underwhelming. Starting with the positives, the hotel was clean upon arrival, and the staff were friendly and helpful throughout our stay. Additionally, our room was generally nice and spacious, and the sea view balcony we paid for was a highlight—it was lovely to sit out and enjoy a drink with the view. The biggest disappointment was the pool. The main reason we booked this hotel was for the pool, which ended up being closed and taped off. The water was a murky brown-green color with litter floating in it, which was extremely off-putting. This closure was not communicated to us at all, and it was not mentioned or advertised anywhere beforehand. Whether the hotel communicated this to the travel agents or not is irrelevant—if the customer does not know, they cannot make an informed decision on where to stay. Had we known the pool would be closed, we would not have booked this hotel. Another factor in choosing this hotel was the fact it listed having a gym, as I wanted to maintain my fitness routine during the holiday. However, the gym facilities were extremely disappointing and looked nothing like what was advertised in the pictures. The equipment looked rundown, worn, and old, which deterred me from using the gym altogether. The food was disappointing. While some dishes were labeled, many were not, leaving us guessing about what we were eating. The lids on the food were often left open, causing the dishes to get cold and even attracting flies. The location of the hotel is very isolated, with little to do nearby except for a 10-minute walk to the beach. In the last day we did discover a marketplace with a good number of shops about a 10–15 minute walk from the hotel, which was a nice surprise. However, there were no bars or nightlife options within walking distance, and the hotel itself lacked activities or entertainment. We found ourselves moving between our room, the balcony, and the downstairs bar just for a change of scenery, which grew tiresome. If you want to explore or find something to do, you’ll need to budget for taxis to get to the nearest town. Our room, while spacious and generally okay, did have several issues. The wallpaper was peeling off in places, the bathroom door didn’t close properly, and the shower temperature fluctuated unpredictably—going from warm to scalding hot to freezing cold, which could be dangerous, especially for children. The bathroom floor also became very slippery when wet. Additionally, the walls were extremely thin, so you could easily hear people talking, watching TV, or listening to music. Even if they weren’t being overly noisy, the thin walls made it difficult to sleep if others stayed up late. Finally, the cleanliness of some items was questionable. On a few occasions, the tea cups we had used I rinsed and left on the side for the cleaner to replace and they were simply put back for reuse, even
숙소 답변: Dear Sarah2621, First and foremost, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Guest feedback is incredibly important as it helps us continually improve our services. We are deeply sorry to learn that your stay at Sensitive Premium Resort & Spa did not meet your expectations, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. We greatly appreciate your positive feedback. We are pleased to hear that you found our hotel clean, our staff friendly and helpful, and that you enjoyed the delightful touch of a sea-view balcony. However, we feel the need to address the concerns you raised. It seems that discovering our winter concept during your stay, when your expectations may have been aligned with a summer concept, led to some disappointment. We would like to emphasize that the winter concept should have been clearly communicated by your booking agency at the time of reservation. This particular issue is not directly related to our property. We understand that the closure of our pools, in accordance with the winter concept, and their maintenance might have caused some inconvenience. Additionally, natural factors like weather conditions can affect the appearance of pool areas, which is to be expected during the off-season. Regarding the fitness center equipment, your feedback has been taken seriously and thoroughly reviewed. Upon inspection, the equipment was found to be in suitable condition for use. Nevertheless, we regret if it fell short of meeting your expectations. Moreover, our fitness center staff regularly monitor guest usage of the equipment to ensure a seamless experience. In terms of our dining services, we acknowledge your concerns about food labeling and serving temperatures. Please be assured that we are taking steps to improve these aspects to deliver a better dining experience. We would also like to remind you that during your stay, any dissatisfaction could have been addressed promptly by our guest relations team to ensure your comfort. As for the issues in your room, such as wallpaper, bathroom door, and water temperature fluctuations, we are taking immediate action to address them and ensure a higher standard of comfort for our guests. We also take note of your comments on noise and will work towards enhancing the overall guest experience. Considering the impact your review may have on the overall perception of our hotel, we kindly request you to share your reservation details, including the reservation number, for verification purposes. You can send this information to us via [email address], and we will respond promptly with the necessary clarifications. Should we have the privilege of welcoming you again in the future, please rest assured that we will do our utmost to provide you with a holiday experience that fully meets your expectations. Wishing you and your loved ones health and happiness in the years to come. Kind regards, Yazgül Beğenmiş Guest Relations Manager
투숙일: 2024년 9월
작성일: 2024년10월12일
Certainly not a 5 star Food was the same most nights no variety! Pillows were not comfortable bits of fluff inside! Shower area was disgusting with mould in the corners Curtain hanging off rail when first arrived Shower cubicle all stained! Need to train your staff with some manners smile/thank-you especially the reception area and round the hotel Definately will not be returning!
Md Arafat R
투숙일: 2024년 9월
강력 추천
작성일: 2024년10월12일
My wife and I had a wonderful time during our stay at Sensitive Premium Resort. The staff is truly hardworking, polite, and eager to assist, even though there is a slight language barrier at times. You can feel their dedication to making guests feel welcome and comfortable. The hotel itself is spotless, with rooms being cleaned daily. The beds and pillows are very comfortable, and the bathrooms are impeccably maintained. The hotel’s décor is tasteful, creating a pleasant and inviting atmosphere throughout the property. You’ll never go hungry here, with a wide selection of food and drinks available almost any time of day. A highlight of our stay was definitely the spa—absolutely worth trying. Special shout-outs to Emray and Meliksha at reception for their exceptional service and to Nuri at the spa, who was incredibly friendly and went above and beyond to make our experience unforgettable. Although I can’t remember all the names, many staff members were equally kind and helpful during our stay. One small downside was the main buffet. The food, while plentiful, didn’t quite meet my expectations in terms of flavor, especially as I was hoping to try some authentic Turkish kebabs. Thankfully, there’s a great local restaurant just a 5-7 minute walk from the hotel, where we enjoyed some fantastic meals. The facilities at the hotel are top-notch. There are several pools to choose from, and mini-bars and fridges stocked with refreshments in the rooms. The in-room safe is easy to operate, and the hotel hosts nightly entertainment with different shows each evening, which we thoroughly enjoyed. There’s even a small market and a hair salon on-site, which is convenient. Outside the hotel, you’ll find a cash machine, a pharmacy, and local shops, as well as a nearby tourist guide service that’s both affordable and helpful. The private beach is another major plus. You can either take a short 10-minute walk or hop on the convenient shuttle bus that runs from the hotel to the beach and back. The beach is well-secured, clean, and perfect for families, with food and drink options available right by the water. All in all, we had a fantastic stay. Apart from the buffet food, there’s really nothing negative to say. We’d highly recommend Sensitive Premium Resort for a relaxing and enjoyable vacation. If anyone has any questions about our experience, feel free to ask!
숙소 답변: Dear Mdarafatr2024, Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We are thrilled to hear that you and your wife had such a memorable stay at Sensitive Premium Resort. It's gratifying to know that our hardworking and polite staff made a positive impression, despite any language barriers. We are delighted that you found our hotel clean and comfortable, with well-maintained facilities and a welcoming atmosphere. Your kind words about our spa team, especially Emray, Meliksha, and Nuri, will certainly be shared with them—they will be very pleased to hear your compliments! We appreciate your feedback regarding the main buffet, and we are sorry that the flavors did not meet your expectations. However, we are glad to hear you discovered a local restaurant to enjoy authentic Turkish cuisine. It's great to know you took advantage of our facilities, entertainment options, and the private beach. We strive to create a family-friendly environment, and your positive comments reassure us that we are on the right track. Thank you once again for your thoughtful review. We look forward to welcoming you back for another relaxing vacation in the future! Best regards, Yazgül Beğenmiş Guest Relations Manager Sensitive Premium Resort & Spa
Sintija T
투숙일: 2024년 9월
강력 추천
작성일: 2024년10월6일
The most incredible holiday, and I can’t stop raving about it! From the moment we arrived, the hotel staff welcomed us with open arms. They were not just friendly; they were genuinely polite and incredibly helpful, making us feel right at home. Our room was spotless and so cozy—definitely a perfect retreat after a day of exploring. And let me tell you about the food! Wow! The freshness and flavor of each dish blew me away! Whether it was breakfast, lunch, or dinner, I couldn’t get enough. I tried everything, and each bite was a taste explosion! But the absolute highlight of our stay? The SPA! I’ve never felt so relaxed in my life. The atmosphere was serene, and the treatments were pure bliss. I indulged in some much-needed pampering, and it was like being transported to another world. I left feeling rejuvenated and completely at peace. Overall, I can’t express enough how much I enjoyed our stay. This holiday was truly unforgettable, and I can’t wait to go back! If you’re looking for a perfect getaway, this is it!
숙소 답변: Dear 314sintijaa, Thank you very much for your wonderful feedback! We are thrilled to hear that your holiday was such a fantastic experience. It is our priority to warmly welcome our guests and provide them with the best service possible, so we are delighted that our hotel team could meet your expectations. We appreciate your positive comments regarding the cleanliness and comfort of your room. It’s fantastic to know that you enjoyed the freshness and flavors of our meals! We strive to ensure that every dish offers our guests an unforgettable experience. We are also pleased to hear that our spa provided you with such a relaxing experience. It’s our goal to transport you to another world through our services, and it’s wonderful to know you left feeling rejuvenated. Your memorable holiday filled with great moments brings us immense joy. We would be more than happy to welcome you back and provide you with the same level of exceptional service during your next visit. Wishing you a great day. Best regards, Yazgül BEĞENMİŞ Guest Relations Manager Sensitive Premium Resort & Spa
Тая Б
투숙일: 2024년 9월
작성일: 2024년9월30일
I spent two nights at Sensitive Premium Resort & Spa, and unfortunately, it did not meet my expectations for a five-star hotel. The service in the restaurant was particularly disappointing. The waitstaff seemed indifferent and would take away our plates even if we hadn’t finished our meals. It was quite unsettling to hear the sound of plates breaking as they rushed to clear tables without care. Additionally, the staff lacked warmth; there were no smiles or friendly interactions throughout our stay. To make matters worse, I had hoped for a special celebration for my birthday and my mother’s birthday. However, when I inquired about decorations or any form of acknowledgment from the hotel, I was informed it would cost an extra 70 euros. For a five-star establishment, I expected much more attention to guest experiences and arrangements. As our concept was all inclusive. Overall, my stay was disappointing, and I left feeling let down. I hope the management takes these concerns seriously and improves their service for future guests.
숙소 답변: Dear Guest, First of all, thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about your stay. At Sensitive Premium Resort & Spa, we aim to provide our guests with the highest quality service, and we are sorry to hear that we did not meet your expectations. Your feedback regarding the negative experience in our restaurant services and the warmth of our staff is very important to us. We will investigate this matter immediately and will provide the necessary training to ensure that our guests have a better experience. Birthday celebrations at our facility are chargeable. Services are provided according to the concept established by our management based on our guests' requests. In our all-inclusive concept, if your birthday is registered in our system during your stay, the Guest Relations Office provides a congratulatory card, a fruit basket, and a bottle of wine. However, if the "Do Not Disturb" sign is active in your room, no service will be provided by our staff. We apologize for not being able to fulfill your request for a special celebration on your birthday. However, we believe there has been a complete misunderstanding in this matter. We prioritize guest satisfaction and will take the necessary measures to ensure that such situations do not occur in the future. Additionally, according to our investigation, we cannot find a reservation under this name in our facility. Please send us your reservation number via email or, if you are currently staying with us, we kindly ask you to contact the Guest Relations Office directly. This way, we can provide a quicker and more effective solution to the issues you have experienced. We hope to hear back from you again and look forward to the opportunity to provide you with better service in the future. Best regards, Yazgül BEĞENMİŞ Guest Relations Manage
Diane W
투숙일: 2024년 8월
강력 추천
작성일: 2024년9월15일
The hotel was excellent from the moment we arrived the service was amazing. Loved our room, spacious, clean, Comfortable and it over looked pool with sea views. Restaurant was lovely with excellent choices every day. Entertainment was excellent. Staff throughout the hotel are courteous, helpful and friendly .
숙소 답변: Dear Diane, Thank you for your wonderful review! We’re delighted to hear that you enjoyed our service from the moment you arrived. We’re thrilled that you loved your room, finding it spacious, clean, and with a beautiful view of the pool and the sea. It’s great to know that you were pleased with the restaurant options and entertainment. We also appreciate your kind words about our staff being polite, helpful, and friendly. We look forward to welcoming you back and are excited that you’re planning to make a reservation again. See you soon! Best regards, Yazgül Beğenmiş Guest Relations Manager Sensitive Premium Resort & Spa
Lenka L
투숙일: 2024년 6월
작성일: 2024년7월8일
The hotel and the hotel facilities are nice. The spa, where they have professional masseurs, is very nice. My favorite, top masseur is Merdan. The beach is vast, clean. The level of table setting in the restaurant for breakfast, lunch and dinner is worse, and also the daily cleaning of the room is not of high quality, it does not correspond to a 5-star hotel.
숙소 답변: Dear Guest , Unfortunately, there is no record of this name in our hotel reservations. If you are staying at our hotel, please contact guest relations or share your reservation number and we will be happy to assist you. Otherwise, we cannot take your hotel review into consideration. We look forward to hearing back from you as soon as possible. Best regards, Yazgül BEĞENMİŞ Guest Relations Manager